I don't want to scare you but, the Scan image appears to show a big brain which could indicate that classic33 is a super talented pc whizz who has already pin-pointed your location and will be knocking on your door any minute now to introduce you to those lovely pearly whites
Just saw your name pop up in the new posts. Welcome back FM. Hope the FM family is well and that youngun of yours is running you ragged. (Like mine is with me)
Just saw your name pop up in the new posts. Welcome back FM. Hope the FM family is well and that youngun of yours is running you ragged. (Like mine is with me)
Thanks! Yeah, he turned 9 just before Christmas... obsessed by Star Wars, maths, Japanese detective manga and unfortunately, Psy (of Gangnam Style fame) - he will dance to any of Psy's most catchy and annoying songs at any opportunity.
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