I admire climate change activists energy and passion. But it is very difficult to see how the world is ever going to change. Take South Korea, recently they had the first year where deaths outstripped births prompting panic among the countries leaders and capitalists. Apparently women are choosing a life and career that doesn't involve popping out a sprog. That simply will not do. Bad for the economy you see, which it is if you are not willing to be pragmatic and change the system... might have the US army marching into Seoul and overthrowing the regime if they did. Good luck to them anyway!
Yes one of the most well recognised ways of keeping population growth down is through educating and empowering women.
And enabling them to have control over their own fertility.
You'd think that population growth slowing would be applauded in most countries.
They can always welcome young immigrants from other countries, if the workforce is thinning out, after all.
However, its not all about numbers of people overall, anyhow.
We in the westernised worlld consume multiples more resources, and pollute far more, per capita than those in the global South.
And given that we're the ones who have so massively profited from the dirty capitalism, that has driven climate change, you might think we'd feel obliged to lead the way on finding, implementing, and distributing solutions.
But not everyone seems willing to step up to the collective plate in that way.