Some nice wheels you are making there......great job.
Yes, the wheels turned out very nice, thank you, but
@Soltydog must take the credit for that as he picked all the components. The same goes for
@w00hoo_kent, he had his reasons to pick a Hope 2 set of hubs, which incidentally are really good hubs but too noisy for my taste

. I make suggestions but the decision is not down to me, unless I feel the chosen components would not make a good wheel for the intended purpose, that has never happened but if it did I could not build the wheels
I'm more interested in building good and reliable wheels to be honest. My ego gets a much bigger boost if somebody tells me "the wheels are so good" than "the wheels look amazing"
I keep a special interest in
@Soltydog wheels and
@w00hoo_kent wheels for similar reasons, Paul is not a lightweight but also he is a powerful rider so if he does well then the wheels are up to it and that is music to my ears

. Mik is not a lightweight either and he does some serious commuting in all weathers, besides he has managed to make a mess of two sets of wheels in the past 18 months

so if he does well on my wheels then I'm a very happy bunny
I'm not a lightweight either but I don't have the power of Paul nor I do the commuting that Mik does everyday. A lightweight is somebody like
@Cuchilo - Jason is about 41kg fully clothed and with the bike on his shoulders
I've built quite a few wheels but it seems that Paul and Mik are the only people that are really going to push the wheels to their limit

so, good luck to them and I can only wish them, keep pushing hard