Hairism in the UK Today

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BigonaBianchi said:
Male with Long hair = seen as oddball is that all about? I mean how many women out there have short hair and are not discriminated against on the basis of hair? It is illegal to discriminate on basis of race, religion, sex, age but...Hair...oh nooo....thats still up for grabs...:blush:

It's time to realise long hair has a is normal, natural and very 70's rock and roll which is a heck of a lot kooler than a penguin suit briefcase crew cut. ..which is probably the point ...jealousy.

If I were a 60 year old black, long haired homosexual I would have legal protection for everything except my hair...except if my hair was religious...which mine is...(I worship at the church of Rock).

Hairism is unacceptable & must be stamped on. I intend to ride (with my hair) to No.10 and protest in the strongest terms about hairism in the UK.

Barbers are evil servants of Satan:laugh:

"Lock on Tommy!" <waves>
Problem with blokes with long hair is that the rest of us can sometimes give the rear view a second glance (deciding if you would give it one or not) and then be a bit shocked to realise that they had been eying up a blokes arse.
So they get a bit annoyed with you.

Best way is to obviously look like a bloke from the rear.

I have never seen any man with hair beyond his neck that looked better for it.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Mr Pig said:
But few women do that as they know they'd look rubbish. Men are too thick to know. Instead they prat about, living in a dream, looking stupid and thinking they look cool!

I don't think so, I think many men suit very close cropped hair (or complete baldness - and if a guy is starting to lose it a bit, close cropped is the way to go). I think just as many women might suit the style. Probably not me, but then I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards most of the time anyway, and the style that suits me best is a paper bag over my head.
red_tom said:
Just try being freaking ginger.

Most ginger people retain their hair much longer than others. My hair is as thick and luxuriant now as it was 50 years ago. It may be a bit lighter but it's still all there.


Smutmaster General
Arch said:
I'm not sure women have it all their own way either. I think a woman with a grade 2 all over would be looked on by many as rather odd, and yet that's a very easy way to manage.
I like women with cropped hair... :biggrin::biggrin:
I used to have very short elfin-cropped hair when I was in my early 20s, and mostly people used to think I was a lesbian. I frequently used to get people shouting insults at me in pubs, and there was this one guy who used to pass me in a van when I was at the bus stop every morning and make obscene gestures at me. Nice. My other half (male!) at the time had long hair so it redressed the balance.


Smutmaster General
I once had a fling with a really lovely Canadian woman, who I sort of knew a bit, who one day asked me if i would shave her head for her... fair enough, I thought... head shave followed by "getting to know each other better". One of the best afternoons of my life :biggrin::smile::biggrin::smile::smile:
Fnaar said:
I once had a fling with a really lovely Canadian woman, who I sort of knew a bit, who one day asked me if i would shave her head for her... fair enough, I thought... head shave followed by "getting to know each other better". One of the best afternoons of my life :biggrin::smile::biggrin::smile::smile:

that's one way to 'cut to the chase' fnaar - you must have been a dashing young blade in them days arr... :smile:
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