I started watching a recording of the Tour of Poland and eventually turned in at about 03:15. The trouble is, I had that thing you have as a child at Christmas - waking up early, knowing that something exciting is about to happen. In this case, I fear that I might not like my presents! Feeling pretty knackered now ...Vegging out with CSI at the moment as I can't sleep. Practicing my chord changes 5 minutes at a time too.
Sleep well when you can.
The doctor said they would put a face mask on me and put me through various stress tests to see how my lungs cope. I went on the British Lung Foundation website and discovered that there are lots of things they can test for. Being mister wimp about needles, I am hoping that I wouldn't do the test that involves putting a tube into an artery to monitor blood gases ...Good luck for the results today! What is involved in a lung function test?
Yes, that's the one good thing to come out of the original illness. I gave up booze 2 years ago this week!think how much more fitter and lean you are now compared to two years ago
Well, I haven't actually stopped hitting the hills ... I just happen to have been going up them at a very non-elite pace!As others have said really, hope your back to hitting those hills very soon, you ........................elite athlete you![]()
It is a bit irritating but it isn't the end of the world, even for a needle-phobic like me. Having said that - they had better get it right this time!That's a bummer - fingers crossed for the next test.
I have absolutely no idea how much they take ... I am such a wimp that I have never seen what they do in the 2 years that they have been doing it to me! I turn my head away and close my eyes.Didn't take enough?They always take gallons when I go for blood tests.
Have them take a couple extra this time, just in case.
What a clot ...They didn't take enough blood for the test
They didn't take enough blood for the test so I now I have to go and give another sample, and then wait until Monday for the results!![]()
Great news - the local health centre will be happy to take a blood sample ...
ON AUGUST 28TH - aaargh!![]()
Excuse Me! There'll be no popping of clogs round these parts. Who will be my near death experience buddy if you shuffle off?At least the storms have arrived as scheduled!
Good job I checked ... the Phlebotomy department shuts at 5:00 pm. I can't get there in time by public transport and I'm not riding there on my bike in a thunderstorm! My sister will not arrive in time to drive me there, and I am not going to spend £30 and rush there in a taxi! As for the ward that I had been directed to where I 'might get a test done later' ... the nurse there politely said 'no'! My only other choice would be A&E but that would be stupid, so I'll wait until Monday and get it done during normal opening hours.
By the time I finally get these tests done, I might actually be well again!
Anyway, that's enough of that for now. When I get better, get worse, or stay the same but find out what is going on, I'll let you know the score. If I suddenly pop my clogs, someone else will tell you about it!![]()