Time for another update, which is that ...
I should have kept my big trap shut!
I made
a really optimistic post on 15th December and things did indeed seem to be progressing rapidly. I'd read about how other people with my condition suffer significant setbacks and I'd had
a bad setback myself back on 27th October which had scared me, but I thought that I'd put all that behind me.
I hadn't!
I went down to Coventry for Christmas. I walked to Hebden Bridge station with my rucksack - no problem. I walked from Coventry station to my sister's house - no problem. I walked the dog with her - no problem. Went shopping with her - no problem. I began to think that I'd be doing some gentle turbo sessions in January ready for getting back on the bike in February -
dream on!
I walked round to a friend's house on the Friday before Christmas. It's only about 1 km from my sister's. There is a short hill to go up which probably gains about the height of a house in about 150 m. I charged up feeling pretty good and sat down with my mate to chat away for a few hours, catching up on old times. Still no problem.
At the end of the evening, I stood up to go home and felt a twinge in my leg where the DVT had been discovered. It was enough to make me wonder was going on, but was not actually painful. I set off to walk back down the hill and within 30 seconds I was short of breath again and my pulse was racing. Damn!
And that was that - a few weeks worth of progress was wiped out in a few seconds. I can only assume that a bit of residual DVT went walkabout and got up into my lungs.
I've had my ups and downs since then but have gradually improved overall back to where I was mid-December, so I am about 6 weeks behind where I thought I'd be at the end of January.
Ho hum ... It's a blow to my former confidence that I would make a full recovery without the need for any intervention other than the Warfarin. Having said that, I am feeling okay today.
It looks like my recovery is definitely going to be a succession of
two-steps-forwards-one-step-back stages, so I'll just have to hope that I eventually get well again and try not to get too upset at these setbacks.
I have another appointment with the consultant at the end of March to discuss the results of a battery of blood tests which he has told me to have a couple of weeks earlier. I'll try and do a lot of gentle walking before then to get myself as fit as I can without over-stressing my body.
I still consider myself lucky though - I've read some real horror stories of young men and women keeling over and dying in front of their kids with this illness. Many don't even get the chance to try for a recovery.
Apparently, 75% of Americans do not even know what a DVT is! Another scary statistic - on average, one person a month gets off a long-haul flight at Heathrow and dies at the airport from DVT/PE. (I know that a lot of people pass through Heathrow, but it does make you think that the dangers of DVT when travelling are still not being taken seriously enough.)
I was going to say
"I'll do a CycleChat forum ride some time in 2013, or die trying" but it would be wiser to say
"I'll try hard to do a CycleChat forum ride some time in 2013, but if it isn't possible, there's always 2014"!
Oh, to end on a more positive note ... The weight fell off me when I got ill last summer because I almost stopped eating for a month. When I came out of hospital, I got my appetite back and started eating sensibly again, plus I was treating myself to a bit too much comfort food. As a result, by the end of the festive season I was pretty much back up to 15 stone. (I was 16.5 stone when I got ill.) Well, the good news is that I have the eating under control and am back down to 14.5 stone, and steadily losing weight. My target is 12.5 stone, so I am halfway there. I look and feel better for it. When I finally do get cycling again, I should have a slim body to work with and I'm looking forward to getting fit again.
Assuming nothing major happens in the mean time, I'll report back again in a month or so.