I reported a bus driver the other day. Had to bus into work and witnessed the driver pulling right into a cycle lane and forcing the cyclist (luckily on an MTB) to bunny hop onto the kerb. If there had been railings he'd have been crushed. Did the driver stop, no, not even when the cyclist caught up with him and remonstrated. I told him he was getting reported but he wasn't at all bothered. I got a response from TFL with all the usual platitudes but I suspect they do naff all with these complaints.
Annoyingly I had to bus again today, and whilst waiting (ages) for the bus, I witnessed no less than 8 licensed minicabs encroaching the ASL - I really hate those f*ckers. Had words with one in an ASL in Putney at the weekend and he had no idea what the box even signified. Seriously do these guys not get tested before they get given a license? Next time I see encroachment by a minicab I'm gonna photo it and report them, getting so fed up with their terrible driving and total lack of respect for other road users.
Rant over, but God they wind me up!