Über Member
Mr P's just hoping the end of the world does'nt happen and he gets some Assos kit for free.
mondobongo said:Mr P's just hoping the end of the world does'nt happen and he gets some Assos kit for free.
The Velvet Curtain said:Welcome on board Collider.
A quick question - would it help if we wore helmets on wednesday?
I only ask because I think our last couple of days in existance would be most wisely spent regurgetating the cycle helmet debate.
Arch said:Reminds me of the exchange in Hitch Hikers' Guide.
"I thought, if the world was going to end, we were meant to lie down, or put a paper bag over our heads or something...."
"If you like, yes"
"Will that help?"
Six pints of beer and a packet of peanuts please, and quickly, the world's about to end...
Landslide said:If only you'd been here earlier...
Iff anyvun is tryink to drain their spuds in me then zey vill have a trillion photons collided up zer bell ending.mondobongo said:Plus someone probably wants to drain the spuds through him.
THE HADRON COLLIDER said:Iff anyvun is tryink to drain their spuds in me then zey vill have a trillion photons collided up zer bell ending.