greatest album titles ever?

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Smutmaster General
Trevor Crozier and Friends... :wacko:

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - AC/DC
Drill a Hole in that Substrate and Tell Me What You See - Jim White
Four Songs About Love, Madness and Glove Puppets - Invocal (yes, alright, it's an EP ...)
Now I Got Worry and Mo' Width - Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (neither is their best album, but they're good titles).
Come On Feel The Illinoise! - Sufjan Stevens
Digital Ash in a Digital Urn - Bright Eyes
I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass - Yo La Tengo
and my personal favourite -
The Difference Between Me and You is that I'm Not On Fire - McLusky.:evil:


Legendary Member
If ever an album title was in dire need of an exclaimation mark, it surely has to be........ (anyone?)

But I liked it when David Bowie released his Low album and in answer, Nick Lowe released one called Bowi.


The Butthole Surfers were always pretty reliable:

Psychic...powerless...another man's sac
Rembrandt pussyhorse
Locust abortion technician
Hairway to Steven

I have a copy of copy of Big Black's "Songs About F ucking" somewhere; complete with suitably placed sticker
Stereolab| Refried Ectoplasm.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Just to be controversial I always liked
Flux Of Pink Indians classic album The F**king C**ts Treat Us Like Pr**ks
Morbid Florist by Anal C**t


TwickenhamCyclist said:
Also saw them in Camden? - had to get home covered in blood, offal, shaving foam, fire extinguisher, beer, food and god knows what else – was a fun gig / food fight though…
They were completely anarchic and irreverent. Some thumping tracks on that album - particularly liked Destination Zululand and Gather Your Limbs (the one about the lepers!)


New Member
dmoan said:
I was always rather fond of the title 'Taking Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs To' by Spacemen 3. Fairly direct and honest, I thought!

I agree that this is untouchable. Seen them live a couple of times, and despite not being on drugs, they were so good they'd make a sane person go out in the world afterwards and take drugs non-stop for the rest of their lives.
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