Well-Known Member
We took our bikes off road again today, doing part of the john muir way from balloch-helensburgh-balloch. The first part was of the journey was along the tarred cycle path, then we were onto the off road trail with a fairly steep and seemingly endless climb. The view from the top overlooks loch lomond and the surrounding area and must be spectacular, but was a bit obscured today due to low lying cloud. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge but my front wheel hit a hard lump about 10 seconds after the picture below was taken (right in front of where my husband took the photo from) and I felt a shooting pain between my wrist and elbow. I had a bit of pain and a burning sensation for the rest of the ride, which thankfully was all downhill but incredibly bumpy. I now have a constant ache in it and searing pain if I rotate at all. I'm pretty sure our local hospital doesn't have xray facilities at the weekend but I think I'll need to get it seen to.
I'm absolutely gutted as we thoroughly enjoyed what was a challenging but worthwhile ride
I'm absolutely gutted as we thoroughly enjoyed what was a challenging but worthwhile ride