I THoroughly enjoyed it ! first time at anything like that since i been cycling. it was a fantastic day ; really nice atmosphere, no feeling of being intimidated by experienced roadsters...people, including me felt free to stop and rest whenever needed - seems like cyclist are a decent bunch ! about 20 miles beyond my limit to date....for the last 10 - 15 miles my legs throbbing and my undercarriage very sore, but it was nice pushing myself through the 'give up' spells but at a pace i could manage.
Again it wasnt a race but its encouraging to know that i finished before a few hundred others , so after about 2 months cycling i'm feeling very proud !
Feel sorry for the poor chap whose chain broke at the start line !
And i heard a couple of people got hurt ? hope not too badly.
PS: thinking of riding in fancy dress next year, so if anyones interested in joining 'team redcorn' , get your red indian headdress and warpaint on ! (john redcorn - named after the character from the american cartoon 'king of the hill')
Great day and i'm still knackered !