buggi said:
o no, the one i bet on got put down!!! poor old McKelvey. i feel bad now.
Yeah, poor thing it was the BBC One Show horse, and then West Brom lost, little as I care for sport, Adrian Chiles is going to be in a right state...
FM - it's a sad fact that there are some injuries a horse just can't recover from like we can. Well, it might, given a huge investment and one to one care, but even then, it might never get over it. I dunno what happened to McKelvey, but a broken leg for a horse is not like a broken leg for us - and it might have been a heart condition or something that he'd never recover from?. I hate to see them fall and hate it more if they die, but if horses are going to be raced, it's a danger. And if they weren't raced, there'd be no point in having them, not thoroughbreds anyway...
I didn't bet, didn't even choose one, just watched the race and marvelled at the fact that anyone stays on at all....