I posted this last Friday in,or is it on? 🤔 ,the Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations? thread
I took the pic' below on the 4th of March this year in the Accrington Job Centre gents toilets,in the hope that one day i'd be able to post pics on CC to let the whole world know of such ( In my opinion) poor grammar. Now that i can i just have to get it off my chest,after six long months!Surely it should read 'please be aware of the possibility of discarded needles'. Not please be aware of possibly discarded needles?🤔
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Edit...and then there's the 'Customer notice' bit. Surely people who use the job centre are clients,not customers? You aren't buying a job,which is what 'customers' do.🤔
It's worth bearing in mind that the dialects spoken by a large proportion of the population don't use the perfect tense and understand each other perfectly. And then we have a government that makes very few grammatical errors yet don't seem to have a clue what they're doing.Yes, let's all celebrate ignorance, and render all language and communication meaningless, and all thought muddled and incomprehensible.
Many moons ago, a friend of mine decided to try the 'vibrate' alarm function of his mobile phone... he woke at the set time to watch his phone slowly vibrate off the bedside cabinet and land in a glass of waterPhaeton prefers it to vibrate.
Apart from the lack of full stop, there's nothing wrong with the grammar. It's just that what it means and what the writers intended might differ.I posted this last Friday in,or is it on? 🤔 ,the Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations? thread
I took the pic' below on the 4th of March this year in the Accrington Job Centre gents toilets,in the hope that one day i'd be able to post pics on CC to let the whole world know of such ( In my opinion) poor grammar. Now that i can i just have to get it off my chest,after six long months!Surely it should read 'please be aware of the possibility of discarded needles'. Not please be aware of possibly discarded needles?🤔
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I don't have a telephone.
Much like the Guardian editorial?Yes, let's all celebrate ignorance, and render all language and communication meaningless, and all thought muddled and incomprehensible.
She's just rung me
She's just rang me
Ding- dong!She gave me a bell.
Karm doun, deer!While we're here can we just address the worst abomination in English grammar in the last few decades?
It's "could HAVE", or "could've" if you prefer. "Would HAVE", or "would've".
It is not "could OF" or "would OF".
Jesus, half the adult population are doing it, and yet my daughter knows the difference at age 9. It's literally primary school English.
Try correcting someone however, and you're the assh0le apparently. And that's how society gets more stupid.
Another oneWhile we're here can we just address the worst abomination in English grammar in the last few decades?
It's "could HAVE", or "could've" if you prefer. "Would HAVE", or "would've".
It is not "could OF" or "would OF".
Jesus, half the adult population are doing it, and yet my daughter knows the difference at age 9. It's literally primary school English.
Try correcting someone however, and you're the assh0le apparently. And that's how society gets more stupid.