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Perhaps some considerable years ago that may have been true. However, I have tried to hydrate properly and haven't suffered from aching legs for a number of years. Most of my cycling have been 30 mile round trip commute to work so not too strenuous.
My episodes of gout, probably less than 10 in 30 years, haven't been classic big toe. They have been confined to the little toe with a small amount of swelling but painful none the less . Lately Colchicine has been prescribed rather than naproxen diclofenac. Seems to work.
Interestingly, I had a heart attack and subsequent cardiac arrest some 3 years ago now. I was in intensive care unconscious for 3 days. On leaving hospital I had a gout attack coming on. This compounded my belief that it was yet again sparked off by dehydration
Sorry for the late reply. Got T boned yesterday by a BMW ! bike totalled ! Am ok though -new bike time !
Sorry to hear of the accident, hope you're Ok. I believe that all sorts of medication has the potential to trigger an attack. I often used to get an attack after having a cold. This could be down to dehydration, but on investigation I also discovered it could be due to Lemsip!