Got in touch with the guy who built my trike ,
Barry Coleman ,he lives about 25 miles away so maybe go visit one day.
We had a nice chat on the phione and as I understand it he built the frame
and most of the mechanical parts , seat and stuff are from ICE
Has a 9-32 cassette !!! and 22/36/50
Me and the trike have now covered 236 km together in our first week
Longest ride was 92 k which if I'm honest is the hardest work I've done in decades
As ever all the mechanic problems have been self inflicted
IE one bolt came out of a cleat. Unclipping was kinda impossible
Trying to remove my overshoe and shoe with one hand was such fun.
Especially as I'd stopped for a much needed wee
Memo to me check those bolts is tightish
Still waiting for it to get easier lol