Got "doored" today, partly my fault...

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Senior Member
...for filtering down the inside of the stationary traffic (am I right?).

During a school run this morning.

Judging by the time, I guess the kid in the car was late for school and his mum must've said something like "we're stuck in traffic, you'll be late, so jump out here."

Passenger door opened and front wheel hit the inside of the car door.

Didn't bother to shout or owt, I just said calmly "Be careful".

In all my years riding down this road, I've never known schoolkids to get out of cars on that stretch.

Lesson learnt - I'll be filtering down the outside next time.

EDIT...maybe should've added this to the 'commute' thread, apologies.


Legendary Member
Nope not your fault at all imo. Did you come off? Were you hurt? If so should certainly report to police and the driver to their insurance.
Being in a hurry is no excuse for not looking. Wouldn’t have happened if the child wasn’t being driven to school :rolleyes:


Glad you're ok. Never your fault for being doored.

There are riding positions where you're more likely to be able to avoid it. Highway Code rule 239 "
  • where you are able to do so, you should open the door using your hand on the opposite side to the door you are opening; for example, use your left hand to open a door on your right-hand side. This will make you turn your head to look over your shoulder. You are then more likely to avoid causing injury to cyclists or motorcyclists passing you on the road, or to people on the pavement"
Is only a should, but the onus is always on the car owner/driver/passenger to avoid injuring others.


Legendary Member
...for filtering down the inside of the stationary traffic

I do this every day given there is ample room, the cars are stationary, nobody crossing etc. When they start to move I merge in to a gap a couple of cars behind. So don't beet your self up over it. On a weekly basis I see far worse things mainly ebikes and mopeds undertaking when the traffic is moving.
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I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
I/we all filter on both sides. My preference is on the right but road layout and markings often discourage this so I/we default to filtering on the left sometimes.
All I can say is, if filtering on the left always crank up your awareness and reduce your speed even more so you can react to the inevitable.

Yes, drivers/passengers should be looking out for you, but nobody is perfect so expect the worst!
My wife knocked a bloke off his motorbike many years ago when I was dropping her off outside her office.

Not in a queue, just us stopped, and a wide road with very little traffic. Why he undertook, you could not call it filtering, I will never know, but he was unhurt and very apologetic. No real damage to rider or either vehicle but he was very apologetic, even though my wife should have checked the mirror first.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
No, not hurt at all.
I think the only damage would be a dirty tyre mark on the inside of the passenger-side front door.
I'm tempted to contact the school, though - maybe warn parent-drivers of the dangers.

Definitely email the school. I did that to a local Grammar School as the parent driving is appalling - low and behold, next day traffic enforcement officers outside. It's the rush to drop kids as close as possible, driving on wrong side of road, reversing round junctions, pulling out etc. (All that was within 200 yards).


South Wales
...for filtering down the inside of the stationary traffic (am I right?).

During a school run this morning.

Judging by the time, I guess the kid in the car was late for school and his mum must've said something like "we're stuck in traffic, you'll be late, so jump out here."

Passenger door opened and front wheel hit the inside of the car door.

Didn't bother to shout or owt, I just said calmly "Be careful".

In all my years riding down this road, I've never known schoolkids to get out of cars on that stretch.

Lesson learnt - I'll be filtering down the outside next time.

EDIT...maybe should've added this to the 'commute' thread, apologies.

Highway code:
Rule 151
In Slow moving traffic you should
  • be aware of cyclists and motorcyclists who may be passing on either side.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Sorry to hear this @Mazz
I would say it's happened to a good few of us on here. I had exact the same scenario as you. Someone jumping out because they couldn't be bothered to wait. In my case I was filtering on the left on a marked cycle lane. Luckily the door only caught my handlebar and tore the tape.


I've had this happen twice while travelling at too fast of a pace on the outside of traffic. I can hardly believe I escaped unscathed on both occasions.
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