Got another cycle commuter in the family..

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I drive and own a car.. But prefer to cycle as it keeps me fit(tish) and saves cash and stops adding to pollution..

Mrs V cycles most days and occasionally walks (doesn't drive)

And Little V... Now cycles the 2 miles to his new school and loves it. I was unsure but he was keen and a few of his mates cycle so thought I'd let him. He does it pretty much every day now.

So another cycle commuter in the ranks and dead chuffed about it.... The drop off car park is still full of cars that I suspect ferry the kids a shorter distance than Ben travels......

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Kudos to little V!
Got him on Strava yet? ^_^


Well done little V

One little lad be 5 or 6 cycles to school on his own bike with his dad on his bike with his young daughter on the back. I also see them bike into town seeing this young lad peddling away is great he love it.

It make's you wonder about who needs to drive the school run I live near 2 primary schools twice a day the quiet street becomes a war zone wall to wall cars and parents on autopilot god help anyone who gets in the way. I do wonder if a secret Strava for the school run is about that I have yet to find having seen the speed off some of the drop off's by parents. Stop dump kids and off at speed again. Many do only live a few streets away spotted one last week driving the kids to brownies it's only 5 mins walk along the road. Then I have it all go through again when I get to work yet more drop offs clogging up the staff car as the drop off point is that 100 yards too much away from the door. It's a Secondary school most are old enough to walk or bus some do bike it though sadly not many.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Good for him. Hopefully he can influence others. Is there storage space at the school?

My 14yo has ridden the 6 miles each way to school since he started secondary school, unless he's racing that day. Then I'm stuck in a queue or taking extra time to drop him off. The advantage he's got is that most of it is on greenways rather than roads, which would be a busier and hillier 3 mile ride along A-roads.

Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
Hooray. The gang grows.

We do the school run by bike and we’re up to just over 2300km this year including Summer’s tour.

I am doing a big ride this weekend and my legs aren’t recovered enough really, so I decided to drive in yesterday. First time in yonks. Gawd! What an utterly depressing experience. It took us 10 minutes longer; I sat in traffic (ok was traffic) and I couldn’t find parking. WHY do people put up with this half life inside a motorcar? Brainwashed zombies.
simon the viking
Its a brand new secondary school opened this year it is only Ben's year 7 in it this year. They are filling it from below each year..

Its an open school so the whole town and beyond can apply so quite a few buses but a short bus route...(10 min walk) was trialled and then cancelled... Cue outrage..

Apparently for some children a 10 minute walk is too far:wacko:

Deleted member 26715

Plenty of bike space has been built..
That is part of the issue, my grandson who is 7 often rides down with his dad, but it's not safe to allow him on his own & when he gets there the bikes just have to be left outside, also his helmet (separate argument) so if it rans he goes out & the helmet is wet through.
simon the viking
That is part of the issue, my grandson who is 7 often rides down with his dad, but it's not safe to allow him on his own & when he gets there the bikes just have to be left outside, also his helmet (separate argument) so if it rans he goes out & the helmet is wet through.
There was nothing at Bens primary school either. When he did his bike ability they had to lock them to fence around the sports courts..


The one I work at has bike space and it's used. But once the gates get locked it's like Colditz so if anyone inc staff, visitors or pupil want to use them say after 8.50 you've had it. Since we become an academy (politically forced) it's one of the many Draconian rules brought in that the gate is locked till home time.Not so much for safety more to do with command and control. No other place to leave them either or they get moved. Better not asking about changing / showers if staff what to bake in. I mean they sent a supply teacher home this week for not wearing a tie no option to go and find one just asked to leave.
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