Good sleeping....what method do you use?

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New Member
South Beds.
got-to-get-fit said:
Judging by your last post about your noisy neighbours - i think the only solution to your sleep problem is a "hitman"

I must admit.....since they have been living here I have really been uncomfortable in my own home.
The council would rather move me than them.
I like going out as much as I can (when poss) so I don't have to stay around and listen to them.
Having a home you can relax in is a must have....and I haven't.:ohmy::sad::biggrin::sad:

I wonder if I could so my local council for negligence.....especially as our complaints have been made to them regularly for over 3 years.


Legendary Member
stevenb said:
I must admit.....since they have been living here I have really been uncomfortable in my own home.
The council would rather move me than them.
I like going out as much as I can (when poss) so I don't have to stay around and listen to them.
Having a home you can relax in is a must have....and I haven't.:ohmy::sad::biggrin::sad:

I wonder if I could so my local council for negligence.....especially as our complaints have been made to them regularly for over 3 years.

This post made me shudder Steve,iv had a similar thing in the past a long time ago.Bad neighbours are a killer,i would say this could be your main problem.I remember the awful gut feeling i used to get when the noise started,i ended up at the docs for something to calm me down,as i felt i was going to snap sometimes.The worst week i had only eleven hours sleep in seven days,at the time i was practicing iaito(the art of killing on the draw with a samurai sword)And believe me i was sorely tempted,thats how far it had pushed me at the time,all i can remember thinking ,was the noise would stop if .........Thankfully i have more sense than that,but i really feel for you on this mate.


New Member
A lot of exercise will make you sleep, but if your problems lie elsewhere then you`ll need to solve them first before mind will let you get that complete resting sleep. I know some people that can never switch off for long though, and don`t ever seem to sleep for longer than a few hours at a time.


Senior Member
Don't know if this will help you but it works for me. Probably best make sure your ear plugs are in before you start. I find it helps relax me and also gives me something to concentrate on which drives out all the other thoughts.

I start on my feet (bear with me) and I concentrate on making them feel completely relaxed. I make every muscle below the ankle feel completely relaxed. It can take a couple of minutes but usually it's quicker. It should feel like your feet are sinking in to the mattress. Once that's done I move up to the calves, then thighs etc. Usually I'm asleep before I get to my neck. Make sure each part of you is as relaxed as you can make it before moving on to the next part.

Hope it helps.


Senior Member
PS forgot to add: It seems to help me sleep for longer if I do it when I first go to bed but it also helps me to get back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night.


Legendary Member
I clicked on page three before reading your post at the bottom of page two Quickdraw. :ohmy:.
I thought you were on about something else entirely.

Davyo's method sounds interesting. I had a bout of insomnia a bit back but I think it was to do with being understimulated at work, now we're up to our eyeballs I've been sleeping like a log.


New Member
South Beds.
I'm not that tired now.....then again...I have eaten a lot tonight.....can't sleep on a bloated stomach....
Will be trying the relaxing techniques mentioned. :ohmy:
If you surf the web, you'll find lots of stuff like this, useful or otherwise:


New Member
South Beds.
Alas.....I have had a good nights sleep...:ohmy:
Went to bed at about 1.50am and got up only once for the loo and slept ok again until 9.40 this morning.

I feel better for it too.:biggrin:

Gonna cycle off the pizza, garlic bread, choccy cake and popcorn n sweets today.


Legendary Member
If I do wake up too early, I just scoff something simple - yogurt or banana, or a slice of bread - gets me back off for another 2 or 3 hours.
If you can't get to sleep for whatever reason, try herbal sleeping tablets. That way you can get off easily and wake refreshed enough to do a full days work in the morning



Do you have a routine of going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time each day, even at weekends? 1.50am - 9.40am sounds out of sync with a healthy sleep routine unless you regularly work evenings.


New Member
South Beds.
alicat said:

Do you have a routine of going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time each day, even at weekends? 1.50am - 9.40am sounds out of sync with a healthy sleep routine unless you regularly work evenings.

I have a regular sync. I normally go to bed at 10.30pm and get up at about 7.15am and that includes weekends.

The above times I mentionedin my previous post was a one off.
Last night's sleep wasn't so good.....but not that bad.
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