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I've just googled the Maha MH-C9000. It ain't cheap.
Unlikely as the more capacity they have the more unstable they become.You could try Sanyo's Eneloop XX batteries which have 2500 mAh capacity but are still low self discharge types.
Unlikely as the more capacity they have the more unstable they become.
The newest 3rd generation standard Eneloops have improved stability way beyond others, even beating the low temperature operating of the now current 2nd generation Eneloops.
Watch out for counterfeits. The newest real ones now work down to -20C. I think the 1st gen work to 0C.
Got the Technoline BC-1000 (the BL-700's quicker brother). A little cheaper than the C9000, not as good according to certain comparisons I could find (though some of the reasons seemed a bit spurious). Great bit of kit though.
As for batteries, I got a Camlink Omega charger with four of their 2700 own-brand batteries nearly four years ago, battery performance has been fine (bought two more sets since); Duracell Supreme 2650s are pretty good too but the charge level seems to fall off quicker.
I've used mine without problems at -10 C. At -20 C I'd be far more inclined to stay indoors next to the fire!
The BC-1000 has overheat protection (well, at least the one I've got has, bought in September...)- I do on occasion charge four batteries, but it's usually just a top-up, not from empty, so less chance to cook them, and I wouldn't leave it unattended for long anyway. You're right though, caution is wise!Be careful with the BC-1000. It's a rebadged Lacrosse BC-900 and it can overheat in some circumstances. Mine cooked a set of Hybrios and got so hot that the plastic melted (amazingly the Hybrios still work)! I'm not the only one this has happened to - there are quite a few reports of Lacrosse meltdowns on the web, even of the more recent BC-1000 model. I would suggest that you charge only two batteries at a time, or charge four at a maximum of 700 mA - hopefully this should prevent it overheating.
I received my BL700 and 10x eneloop AAs + 10x eneloop AAAs earlier this week
I now have 4 of my older AAAs on the refresh program as 1st test showed them at various capacities from 550mAh to750mAh when they should be 850mAh. Seems like a good bit of technokit to me
Trying a refresh now; I assume it will display the capacity at the end of the refresh cycle?
The refresh doesn't appear to have made any noticeable improvement to the capacity of the 4 AAA's I have tried so I assume I have been cycling them in a healthy manner since using them for my bike lights? They did do a tour of duty in kids toys prior to that so although they are all the same type they have had a hard start in life and received varied abuse, hence the range of capacities.