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New Member
Thank you for all the comments and advice. Brumjim you made me laugh with some of yours. Oh and Brumjim even tho I'm a security guard (Doorman at the weekends) I still get scared.. can just maybe hide it better :biggrin:

Cycling for me was only really a means to get to work but now I feel like its taking over seriously. I can see this turning into a new hobby. I'm off out this weekend for a bike ride to Kenilworth and Warwick and I've put my name down for a sponsored 25 mile ride at Rutland Waters.

One thing I'm scared of is when I do pass my driving test and get a car (the Mrs will win) that I'll become lazy!
Vincealot said:
  1. 2 front and 2 rear lights
  2. A helmet
  3. Hi Viz Polaris coat (not waterproof)
  4. Cycling shorts
  5. Pannier bag for my rack
  6. Hi Viz vest with the strips on
  7. Puncture repair kit
  8. Computer

9. Frame Pump (for when you need it on the road)
10. Track Pump (for getting the pressure right at home)

Over time add bike specific tools such as:

Pedal Spanner
Chain Tool
Crank Puller
Chain Whip

Soon you will be doing all your own maintenance for free.


New Member
Vincealot said:
One thing I'm scared of is when I do pass my driving test and get a car (the Mrs will win) that I'll become lazy!

A lot of us on here also drive, but it doesn't really get to you like cycling does. Once your cycling routes are established you shouldn't find it too difficult to stick with, particularly for commuting. I cycle along the A13 and it gives me so much pleasure to overtake the masses and masses of cars stuck in traffic. :angry:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Vincealot said:
I wont lie, the 1st week literally killed me.

I say, you type well for a corpse...:laugh:


I'd second Chain Reaction Cycles, the free postage is good, no hidden extras when you checkout, and I've had most of my stuff arrive next day.

You don't need another bike. But you'll want one. If the missus kicks off, ask her how many pairs of shoes she has, and why she has more than one. As soon as she says "for different purposes", you have her over a barrel.(assuming she does have more than one pair of shoes that is...) Different bikes are for different purposes. There is a formula by the way, for the ideal number of bikes to own - N+1, where N is the number you currently own. Once you have a nice new shiny bike for fun and fine weather, the old bike can serve as faithful winter hack.

Oh, and I'm Arch, and I'm a part time recycling collection officer/part time editorial assistant on a bike magazine. Sorry, that sounds more like an intro at AA than Blind Date...
Vincealot said:
I started a new job back in August 09. I don't drive. The bus service to my new workplace wasn't the best so I decided to cycle to work. I didn't have a bike but my kind old dad said I could use his. It was a BSO he won in some competition. An 18 geared vehicle of doom. My journey is around 6 miles each way and there's a few hills I struggle on.

I wont lie, the 1st week literally killed me. I hadn't ridden a bike since I was in my mid teens. I'd also not long given up smoking so my chest was still crap. Being 15 stone of lard didnt help either and nor did the BSO.

In the 1st two months the chain snapped, bottom bracket bust, left pedal and the bit it connects to broke, the saddle kept coming loose no matter how much I tightened it, the handle bars kept coming loose, the gears broke, the chain kept falling off, I had several punctures, the back wheel buckled slightly, until one rainy morning it decided to fall off half way through my journey. The wheel falling off was the last straw.

Have you ever thought about a carreer writing country and western songs ? :laugh:

Welcome to the forum



Hi, Glad you are getting things sorted and enjoying your cycling. I was born in Coventry, (Radford). Thankfully I left when I was a child and don't go back unless I have to.



New Member
chillyuk said:
Hi, Glad you are getting things sorted and enjoying your cycling. I was born in Coventry, (Radford). Thankfully I left when I was a child and don't go back unless I have to.


I moved away when I was younger. Spent my teenage years in Tenby Wales. I came back to Coventry when I was 23. Nobody sent me :angry:

I never thought about that Jakes Dad hahah. I'll see if I can come with more Knee slapping, foot tapping lyrics though.

Thanks for the Advice Arch I'll take a good look at Chain reaction when I'm back in work tomorrow. 12 hours spent in a Gatehouse watching CCTV can get boring.

On another note had a safe journey home. Nothing too dangerous happened. I did nearly come off going about 20mph down a hill. A piece of wood found its way into my path and sent one of my rear lights flying across the road with the impact.

I di had 3 moments yesterday however, which turned my cycling shorts brown. Not sure if I was at fault because I'm still learning but I'll bullet the incidents and would love to get some of your opinions.

  1. Bus has stopped and letting people on and off. I'm going about 17mph and getting faster I decided to overtake the sationary bus. As I get half way along the outside of the bus, the driver decides to pull out and start accelerating. I'm now virtually pushed out onto the other side of the road with on coming traffic. Thankfully my legs were ready for some fast pedaling action. I managed to get infront of him.
  2. Approaching a small painted round about I notice no oncoming traffic from the right and one car coming from the left. I decided as I'm going about 18mph and only getting faster (its on a hill) I aint stopping and clearly the Driver has seen me (or so I thought). I get on the roundabout before the driver gets there. As I'm exiting the roundabout I see the driver hasnt slowed down I slam my brakes on and then so does he! We are both now stationary with my hands on his bonnet. His right front light touching my left leg. I automatically start f'in and blinding. The guy looks shocked, apologises and says he didnt see me :tongue: I'm in high vis with 2 front and 2 rear flashing lights!
  3. Doing about 22mph downhill I need to turn left at the next turning. I can hear a car approaching from the rear fast. I throw my left arm out early to let him know I'm going left (theres a concrete thingy in the middle of the road just before the turning, don't know what you call them. Usually have like two billards on them. For people to stand on while crossing). I think he's speeding up to get past me before the crossing thiny. He wasn't! The driver is also going left and attempts to over take me on the bend. I've gone out to the right slightly while turning. The driver nearly hits a car thats stationary (waiting to exit) on the other side of the road. The driver swerves out of the way of the car, cuts me up with his rear bumper clipping my front wheel. He beeps his horn frantically and sticks the V's up out of the window and speeds off. He was driving a BMW! I couldnt catch him ;)
Hopefully you understood my description of the events. Was I at fault at all and did I make any errors?

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Hi Vincealot and another welcome to the forum from me, below some coments on your experiences:

1 Bus has stopped and letting people on and off. I'm going about 17mph and getting faster I decided to overtake the sationary bus. As I get half way along the outside of the bus, the driver decides to pull out and start accelerating. I'm now virtually pushed out onto the other side of the road with on coming traffic. Thankfully my legs were ready for some fast pedaling action. I managed to get infront of him.

This is a very common event as buses just pull out and expect others to give way, maybe he also did not see you in his mirrors

2 Approaching a small painted round about I notice no oncoming traffic from the right and one car coming from the left. I decided as I'm going about 18mph and only getting faster (its on a hill) I aint stopping and clearly the Driver has seen me (or so I thought). I get on the roundabout before the driver gets there. As I'm exiting the roundabout I see the driver hasnt slowed down I slam my brakes on and then so does he! We are both now stationary with my hands on his bonnet. His right front light touching my left leg. I automatically start f'in and blinding. The guy looks shocked, apologises and says he didnt see me I'm in high vis with 2 front and 2 rear flashing lights!

Many drivers don't see cyclists (or motorbikes) because they are not really looking at what is coming down the road. You now know that you should never expect a driver to see you and give way, in such situations it's best to slow down and if neccessary stop rather then get hit by the car. It's annoying but better that then being injured or worse

3. Doing about 22mph downhill I need to turn left at the next turning. I can hear a car approaching from the rear fast. I throw my left arm out early to let him know I'm going left (theres a concrete thingy in the middle of the road just before the turning, don't know what you call them. Usually have like two billards on them. For people to stand on while crossing). I think he's speeding up to get past me before the crossing thiny. He wasn't! The driver is also going left and attempts to over take me on the bend. I've gone out to the right slightly while turning. The driver nearly hits a car thats stationary (waiting to exit) on the other side of the road. The driver swerves out of the way of the car, cuts me up with his rear bumper clipping my front wheel. He beeps his horn frantically and sticks the V's up out of the window and speeds off. He was driving a BMW! I couldnt catch him

Not a good experience but again, unfortunately, not so unusual. There is not really very much to do in such a situation except to not lose your temper and when he gives you the two fingers smile back at him.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
chillyuk said:
Hi, Glad you are getting things sorted and enjoying your cycling. I was born in Coventry, (Radford). Thankfully I left when I was a child and don't go back unless I have to.


Says the man in Harlow, Essex.:wacko:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Not indicating left is a useful tactic sometimes. Don't let someone think they can squeeze by or round you.

I wouldn't say never indicate left - it can be very useful for a driver pulling out of a side road to know that you're turning down it, but I wouldn't indicate left every time.

Otherwise, never assume anyone has seen you, or assume anything about their actions except that they will do something dangerous or stupid. And cover your brakes in traffic.

And it's a pedestrian refuge, the thing with bollards, also known as a pinch point. The best way to prevent most dangerous overtakes through these is to claim the lane by riding far enough out to physically stop a driver coming past. The book Cyclecraft explains this and much more, and is well worth a read.
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