Good Lock Setup

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Got a brand new bike today with the aim to ride it to and from work. It's only a 2.5M route and it's relatively safe route. But I have however found out that a few bikes have been stolen from my work and this got me a little worried. So I was hoping I could get some help with a lock setup?

After watching a number of YouTube videos I put these together..

D Lock:


With this:


and finally something similar to this:

So the D Lock would go around back wheel and frame, with the Loop thing going around the front locked into the D Lock (connecting front wheel, frame and back wheel). The combination lock would go around front wheel, seat and frame. With the chain going around the frame. All then locked around a bike stand. I'd leave the chain there since it would be heavy, is that okay to do or would that not be advised?

But that is the type of setup I'd look for. But it's pretty expensive. Bike was £280. Based on those prices lock setup would be around £120+.


Über Member
As long as the locks are solid and thesis bike is locked properly you should be fine. Two d locks will be fine. Wheels and frame


Oaf on a Bike
If you haven't already, check out the bike rack at work so you know what youll be locking it to and which locks will work best there. Argueably the most important factor of how good a lock is, is how well its used eg. trying to fill a D-Lock with as much frame/rack as possible so theres less room for it to be levered/jacked open. Also varying the types of lock so that a potential thief would need an assortment of tools rather than one.

You can spend crazy amounts of money on multiple locks, cables, security bolts/skewers etc, but imho a more conservative setup probably would work just as well against most attacks and anything more would probably just take a professional bike thief a little extra time to remove.

Id probably go with a D-Lock and cable combo which would lock the frame and wheels and be alright for using outside a shop etc and leave a chain lock at work as an extra.

This is very good for the money if you want to spend less:

I use with both of which ive been really happy with.


Über Member
Got a brand new bike today with the aim to ride it to and from work. It's only a 2.5M route and it's relatively safe route. But I have however found out that a few bikes have been stolen from my work and this got me a little worried. So I was hoping I could get some help with a lock setup?

After watching a number of YouTube videos I put these together..

D Lock:


With this:


and finally something similar to this:

So the D Lock would go around back wheel and frame, with the Loop thing going around the front locked into the D Lock (connecting front wheel, frame and back wheel). The combination lock would go around front wheel, seat and frame. With the chain going around the frame. All then locked around a bike stand. I'd leave the chain there since it would be heavy, is that okay to do or would that not be advised?

But that is the type of setup I'd look for. But it's pretty expensive. Bike was £280. Based on those prices lock setup would be around £120+.

Don't waste your money with something like that

On the other hand, I have heard good comments about this

I use of of this together with this


Über Member
Look for something with the "thatcham approved" label on. This is an industry recognized standard for anti theft devices and all so marked are tested to accepted levels. If you can't get one at Halfords go to you local
M/cycle store. A chain is harder to break than a D lock, but they ain't light [most were after all meant for m/cycles] also try to arrange it so that whatever you use is off the ground [it's easier to brace a set of bolt croppers on the floor and stand on 'em than to try to snip hardened steel with your arms alone].
Bit of a trade off - cost / security really.


Über Member
Kryptonite N.Y d-Lock and Almax Series III or IV Immobiliser if your bike is expensive then you need to pay £££ on bike locks. Don't listen to anyone who suggests cable locks!

Save your cash on QR skewers and just lock your bike up like the below picture.

If you look at my signature there is a website all about bike security which I made. It has info on bike locks on it too.



Über Member
Please don't use a combination lock. You may as well tie a piece of string around it.

You need a good D-lock (I've got a Kryptonite Kryptolok series 2, about 25 quid from Evans or Wiggle, does me fine). A lot of people do use more than 1 (I don't simply because of the weight of them and I can't leave them at college).


Über Member
The Kryptonite lock above me is only silver secure meaning a thief could get through it in 3-5 minutes.
I agree on the insurance, CycleGuard is great, about £5 a month payment but you need to use the locks they suggest. I'd get a Gold sold secure lock like the N.Y Kryptonite.

This video shows how much people care about bike theft and why you can't rely on them. I saw it myself being done to my old bike in Sainsburys car park, a few chavs were trying to yank my small chain lock whilst people walked past not even batting an eyelid.



Über Member
The combination lock came free with my bike, so may as well utilise it. How do the skewers work?

These are not normal skewers, nor they are Quick Release. They have a "uniquely" shaped nut so you need a special key to open the skewer. What does it mean? A thief would have to use brute force to remove the skewers and most likely damage the wheel in the process. I have them on my bike so I don't have to lock the front wheel with a cable or chain, just a good D-lock through the frame and the back wheel. the pitlock can also protect your saddle and handlebar - stem combination if you want to go that far.

Wonder Wheels

Active Member
I need a lock for my water bottle, everytime I lock my bike and leave it I think someone will pee in it while I'm gone xx(
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