Go Outdoors / Milletts / Blacks...

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I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
After disappearing down this particular rabbithole at the weekend relative to a particular product, I've learned that since all three of these are now owned by the same group they tend to stock the same products at the same prices.. however:

Go Outdoors only do favourable pricing if you have one of their membership cards, which you invariable won't and will cost you another fiver. Postage is also charged on orders below £80.

Milletts offer the same pricing as Go Outdoors' "card price" without the need for more expenditure, sometimes run discount codes and offer free delivery on orders over £60.

Blacks again offer the same headline price, also run discount codes and offer free delivery on everything; it seems.

So, despite all being fronts for the same potentially dubious mega-corp, final prices for the same item can vary significantly - in my case what was listed at the same promo price would have been about £59 from Go Outdoors but I managed to snaffle it from Blacks for £45.

The moral of the story being that if you see something at one of these outlets, check the other two as you might get a better price..
Nice to know thanks.

Blacks in Leeds post Christmas had some great deals, got 2 pairs of footwear and a lovely jacket for less than £200, Peter Storm branded and pretty good.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I fell out with Go Outdoors over their appalling attitude to a problem I had with an order a few years ago. I've never shopped there since. Does that mean that I should boycott all three places now that I know they're all the same company?


Legendary Member
I fell out with Go Outdoors over their appalling attitude to a problem I had with an order a few years ago. I've never shopped there since. Does that mean that I should boycott all three places now that I know they're all the same company?

I won't use Go Outdoors out of principle.

I ordered a helmet, they sent me the wrong size. I took it back to the local store and the f@#£%÷s tried to charge me a re stocking fee! I think the manager saw my knuckles turning white and splinters when my fingers were digging in to their counter, and eventually relented. Nevertheless, they're owned by muppets and staffed by the same.


I fell out with Go Outdoors over their appalling attitude to a problem I had with an order a few years ago. I've never shopped there since. Does that mean that I should boycott all three places now that I know they're all the same company?

I've had the same issue with Blacks when i've phoned up about it one look to know anything or able to help. It all sounded like a few people sat with a phone in a back room. The last order I did place I had a message to say it was sent then next day a message it was delayed. With on other updates I waited a week and still nothing so I canceled the order. A week later the jacket still turned up.


I asked AI to show the 'real' me.
With Millets you sometimes get lower webprices than the in-store prices perhaps to compensate for the handling/shipping cost.

On the rare occasion I go there, I always ask them to match the webprice and have never been refused.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I won't use Go Outdoors out of principle.

I ordered a helmet, they sent me the wrong size. I took it back to the local store and the f@#£%÷s tried to charge me a re stocking fee! I think the manager saw my knuckles turning white and splinters when my fingers were digging in to their counter, and eventually relented. Nevertheless, they're owned by muppets and staffed by the same.

I tend to use the Mountain Warehouse that's quite close to the new improved Drago Acres. Never had a problem that hasn't been sorted hassle-free; not that I've actually had many problems though.

All uphill

Still rolling along
I'm another who won't use Go Outdoors after appalling rudeness in store (I was apparently stupid for not understanding their business model before I walked in the store).

A complaint to their HO got no apology.

I bought the jacket I liked elsewhere on line for the same price.


Legendary Member
I tend to use the Mountain Warehouse that's quite close to the new improved Drago Acres. Never had a problem that hasn't been sorted hassle-free; not that I've actually had many problems though.
I'm often found in the same building supping a coffee. An easy walk from Drago Towers.


They also trade as Ultimate Outdoors a few years ago some of the Millets closed and they rebranded them as Ultimate Outdoors talk was they wanted to rebrand all Millets that way. They already have basically all the same core branding.
Well If that's the case then how come I couldn't get a pir of Dunlop wellingtons from Go despite them being advertised but I got a pair delivered from Blacks? Blacks also own JD Sports and Size.
I got ripped off by Go a few years ago when I bought a pair of walking shoes and they went through on the rubber toe box straight away. They said it was my fault. I have bought things since from there though because they have been cheap. Time is a great healer.
I wont buy from Mountain Warehouse because I think their products are absolute rubbish.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Cheers all :smile:

Tbh, as is sadly the case with modern consumerism customer service isn't what it was. I have no particular desire to patronise these companies (especially given their apparently dubious ownership / business model) however I'm happy to take the risk on the customer service front and scalp them for bargains they're probably making little margin on.

For balance my walking boots came from Go Outdoors years ago (poss pre-buyout?) and the staff in question were very helpful; although I appreciate that service will vary massively and the business model is unlikely to attract and retain the best quality staff..

@Kingfisher101 - interesting point - I assume maybe different networks of stores have differing levels of stock; or perhaps stock assigned to them at a central warehouse..?
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When I read about terrible customer service in this retail space I assumed the presence of Fraser group, but apparently it’s not them; it’s JD Sports. On further reading it seems they bought Go for £112 million in 2016 and four years later they pushed it into administration and then bought it back off the administrators for £57 million.

I never go because I can’t be bothered with the dual pricing model. I live near a Decathlon and an Alpkit so I don’t really need any of the mid-tier ‘outdoor’ places. Decathlon is ok for 95% of stuff.
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