Glucosamine & Chondroitin

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Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I've been taking some triple strength glucosamine + chondroitin tablets for a while, but I am not sure they are really doing anything. My uncle swears by them.


Let us know how you get on.

Just back from physio. He nailed it inside 10 minutes when a jab with his finger had me writhing on the floor.

Inflamed lateral hamstring tendon, suspected cause lower back imbalances and possibly not quite nailed bike postion. Treated Tortured me for 30 minutes with brutal thumb digs along the said tendon and hamstring band above, as well as my lower back, prescribed course of NSAIDs, hot/cold treatment and intensive (4 daily sessions) hamstring stretches. Back to see him next Tuesday, and he's organising a session where I will get videoed riding my road bike on a turbo, to see where the bike position imbalances might be kicking in.

Feel positive we're doing the right things, fingers crossed this will get resolved.

Minimum 2 weeks off bike though :sad:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Just back from physio. He nailed it inside 10 minutes when a jab with his finger had me writhing on the floor.

Inflamed lateral hamstring tendon, suspected cause lower back imbalances and possibly not quite nailed bike postion. Treated Tortured me for 30 minutes with brutal thumb digs along the said tendon and hamstring band above, as well as my lower back, prescribed course of NSAIDs, hot/cold treatment and intensive (4 daily sessions) hamstring stretches. Back to see him next Tuesday, and he's organising a session where I will get videoed riding my road bike on a turbo, to see where the bike position imbalances might be kicking in.

Feel positive we're doing the right things, fingers crossed this will get resolved.

Minimum 2 weeks off bike though :sad:

Interesting reading.
May be a good idea for me to book an appointment.
How much did it cost you?


Interesting reading.
May be a good idea for me to book an appointment.
How much did it cost you?

These guys charge 88 squids an hour, but I'm new to the area a and went with a local recommendation. To be fair they're very good. My GF paid 40 quid and hour in Romford about a year ago, and said the guy was also fantastic.

Also check whether you have insurance? I haven't :sad:


Well-Known Member
These guys charge 88 squids an hour, but I'm new to the area a and went with a local recommendation. To be fair they're very good. My GF paid 40 quid and hour in Romford about a year ago, and said the guy was also fantastic.

Also check whether you have insurance? I haven't :sad:

As a matter or curiosity - I *might* need one in the near future - who was it you went to?


Active8 Rehab in Chertsey. I have been told to ask for Tom or Chris as being the best knee guys. I saw Chris. Excellent guy, knows his shoot, but by his own admission, Tom is more experienced in dealing with cycling specifically. Tom will be involved in the bike session video analysis.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Active8 Rehab in Chertsey. I have been told to ask for Tom or Chris as being the best knee guys. I saw Chris. Excellent guy, knows his shoot, but by his own admission, Tom is more experienced in dealing with cycling specifically. Tom will be involved in the bike session video analysis.

How's the knee VamP?

Mine? Well the pain from the knee has totally disappeared at last.
I wore the knee brace over the weekend as I was doing (bendy knee) house stuff, gardening, washing car, cleaning windows etc).. and it did seem to help.

I am so tempted to jump on the bike tomorrow for the commute but will stay off the bike at least until thursday and may do the short and easy commute to see how it goes. I will then be away for a few days so no bike anyway until at least next Wednesday. Think it will be good time for whatever it was to completely heal.

I did actually find that the (new) bike that gave me the knee pain, the saddle was 3-4 cm's higher then my usual 109% fit. So pushing hard on a 200k audax was not terribly good for the knee.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I did actually find that the (new) bike that gave me the knee pain, the saddle was 3-4 cm's higher then my usual 109% fit. So pushing hard on a 200k audax was not terribly good for the knee.
That's a massive change in saddle height and especially to then go straight out and ride a 200 km audax - not very sensible! Why did you change the saddle position by so much in one go?

I get more knee problems by having the saddle too low but I suppose you might have had it so high that your leg was straightening out too much at the bottom of each pedal stroke.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
That's a massive change in saddle height and especially to then go straight out and ride a 200 km audax - not very sensible! Why did you change the saddle position by so much in one go? It was a new bike and I just guessed the saddle height.

you might have had it so high that your leg was straightening out too much at the bottom of each pedal stroke. This is what I think.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Oops - well, you won't make that mistake again!

This from the guy who guessed how to set up the SPD cleats on a new pair of shoes and buggered his knees in 20 hilly Yorkshire miles ... :blush: (They hurt for about 2 weeks after that.)


Squat Member
Looking at an internet diagnosis (I know, I know) it looks like I am suffering from Chondromalacia Patellae (Which is basically irritation/wearing/damage of the soft cartilage under the knee cap. Quite a common cyclist/runners problem apparently.

I had this happen over the weekend. The pivotal point must have been planing the doors for the wife and going up/down steep stairs carrying the doors seems to have exaggerated it. I reckon it's from swelling in that area, and it's the same knee I damaged just over a year ago playing football.

I have rested a few days now and it seems to have gone back to normal, but worrying nonetheless.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I had this happen over the weekend. The pivotal point must have been planing the doors for the wife and going up/down steep stairs carrying the doors seems to have exaggerated it. I reckon it's from swelling in that area, and it's the same knee I damaged just over a year ago playing football.

I have rested a few days now and it seems to have gone back to normal, but worrying nonetheless.

Get a knee brace.
They really do help when doing all about the house stuff.


How's the knee VamP?

Mine? Well the pain from the knee has totally disappeared at last.
I wore the knee brace over the weekend as I was doing (bendy knee) house stuff, gardening, washing car, cleaning windows etc).. and it did seem to help.

I am so tempted to jump on the bike tomorrow for the commute but will stay off the bike at least until thursday and may do the short and easy commute to see how it goes. I will then be away for a few days so no bike anyway until at least next Wednesday. Think it will be good time for whatever it was to completely heal.

I did actually find that the (new) bike that gave me the knee pain, the saddle was 3-4 cm's higher then my usual 109% fit. So pushing hard on a 200k audax was not terribly good for the knee.

Wow, big saddle height difference - fingers crossed that's your reason right there!

I saw Chris for the second time yesterday, he was really pleased that all the manipulations he had done with my back was still clearly apparent, i.e. my back hadn't assumed the old stiffness back. He manipulated the lateral hamstring band again, and what had me rolling on the floor last week was just mildly uncomfortable. He also admitted he was pressing quite a bit harder this time round.

We agreed that I would try how the knee felt with the looser anatomy not restricting it so much, so I rode in this morning - really easy ride with a 5 minute block of threshold thrown in to test the knee (this is the intensity that was causing problems before - not easy riding).

Still not entirely trouble free, but a lot better than before.

Another session on Friday - fingers crossed we're beating this. The good news is there's nothing wrong with the knee per se, it's a muscle/tendonal imbalance brought on by poor posture mainly.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Wow, big saddle height difference - fingers crossed that's your reason right there!

I saw Chris for the second time yesterday, he was really pleased that all the manipulations he had done with my back was still clearly apparent, i.e. my back hadn't assumed the old stiffness back. He manipulated the lateral hamstring band again, and what had me rolling on the floor last week was just mildly uncomfortable. He also admitted he was pressing quite a bit harder this time round.

We agreed that I would try how the knee felt with the looser anatomy not restricting it so much, so I rode in this morning - really easy ride with a 5 minute block of threshold thrown in to test the knee (this is the intensity that was causing problems before - not easy riding).

Still not entirely trouble free, but a lot better than before.

Another session on Friday - fingers crossed we're beating this. The good news is there's nothing wrong with the knee per se, it's a muscle/tendonal imbalance brought on by poor posture mainly.

This is really good news.

It's peeing down with rain here and if it's the same then I won't commute tomorrow and will wait until next Wednesday. I am climbing the bloody walls though. This is the longest time I have been off the bike since I came back to cycling 6 years ago


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I did actually find that the (new) bike that gave me the knee pain, the saddle was 3-4 cm's higher then my usual 109% fit. So pushing hard on a 200k audax was not terribly good for the knee.

Holy Moly - 3-4 cm difference. Christ. :wacko: I have to check/double/tripple check my heights. All bikes are spot on the same, the fixed is literally just a couple mm lower to aid spinning.

That will be the cause !!

Same goes when changing pedal systems - e.g. allow for difference in cleat height, hence slight differences between my two road bikes on Look, and the fixed/MTB on MTB SPD's.

Sould sort itself now you've rested it.
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