Global effing warming...

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It is due to a persistent spell of northerly winds, due to a blocked regime in the Atlantic. It is unfortunate that the blocking highs keep forming to the west of us bringing cold winds down from the north. This is not unlike 1996 which was cold from winter through to mid May (yet the summer was warm and dry).

The problems will start if the summer turns out to be hot and dry as we have had a very dry spring so far and we will be looking at water shortages if this keeps up through the summer.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Sounds convincing. Does carbon dioxide have a hand in it?


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
I don't mind cooler than average for the time of year when I get to do my day's gardening in the sunshine (in my shorts!). And it looks like another sunny day in prospect here in northern Lancashire!
Oh boy, are you lot in trouble :biggrin:

You wait till the morning when the heavyweights come back from their weekend break, I'm going to go over to P&L and tell on you.

You know this sort of talk isn't allowed in Cafe. You might come to the wrong conclusions without the correct guidance.
rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Smokin Joe said:
Oh boy, are you lot in trouble :biggrin:

You wait till the morning when the heavyweights come back from their weekend break, I'm going to go over to P&L and tell on you.

You know this sort of talk isn't allowed in Cafe. You might come to the wrong conclusions without the correct guidance.

Can you supply a reference for that assertion?;)


Smokin Joe said:
Oh boy, are you lot in trouble ;)

You wait till the morning when the heavyweights come back from their weekend break, I'm going to go over to P&L and tell on you.

You know this sort of talk isn't allowed in Cafe. You might come to the wrong conclusions without the correct guidance.

Talking bollox not allowed in Cafe? Of course it is, Cafe is just the right place for opinions unburdened with facts or evidence...


Nr Cambridge
End of the week, friday, the winds are expected to blow from the S / SW as the high pressure over Greenland/Iceland finally weakens to allow in warmer wind from the anticyclones in the mid Atlantic. Cue the rise in temperature. How long it will last? Who knows.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Crankarm said:
End of the week, friday, the winds are expected to blow from the S / SW as the high pressure over Greenland/Iceland finally weakens to allow in warmer wind from the anticyclones in the mid Atlantic. Cue the rise in temperature. How long it will last? Who knows.

Oh - don't forget the rain too :tired:


So much for warmer down south.

Hottie and I left Windsor on the bikes this morning in rain and needing thermal liners. Once we passed Oxford, it was dry, warm and sunny. Got to Birmingham, had a few hours standing in the sunshine then headed back south, as we came back through Oxford, the temperatures dropped again.

I'll take the northern weather today, please.


My Armchair
Norm said:
So much for warmer down south.

Hottie and I left Windsor on the bikes this morning in rain and needing thermal liners. Once we passed Oxford, it was dry, warm and sunny. Got to Birmingham, had a few hours standing in the sunshine then headed back south, as we came back through Oxford, the temperatures dropped again.

I'll take the northern weather today, please.
Birmingham north!!!! get a grip norm:biggrin:
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