Glasgow / Chris Hoy velodrome

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I'm just back from the first session - great fun!

My first time on a fixed gear bike, but it went easily enough. It was a bit scary looking up at the banking when riding round the Cote d'Azur to begin with, but once you got up there it was quite enjoyable.

Looking very much forward to session 2 now.

Yeah there is quite a quick progression from the "oh not that looks steep" to the "wooo hoooo" stage :biggrin:

How are accreditation sessions like to book now? Is there still long waiting times between them due to demand?


Without a clever title
How are accreditation sessions like to book now? Is there still long waiting times between them due to demand?

I had to wait a month for the first session, but was able to book the level 2 session already for this Thursday. So either demand is dropping off, or many people do not go beyond level 1.


Well-Known Member
I'm just back from the first session - great fun!

My first time on a fixed gear bike, but it went easily enough. It was a bit scary looking up at the banking when riding round the Cote d'Azur to begin with, but once you got up there it was quite enjoyable.

Looking very much forward to session 2 now.

I was there the same night for level 1 6pm :smile:

Also booked level 2 for next Thursday but then had to rearrange for Mon 11th.

It was scary but some buzz. I honestly thought I was going to topple off round the bends.
Good advice above is to go fast in the bends. The coach said the same, "if in doubt, flat out".
Really looking forward to the next one :smile:


Well-Known Member
We were in the same session, then. :thumbsup: I was wearing a blue long-sleeved top.

Can't recall you. I went off in the second group of four to do the laps above the red line. I was the heavy weight black, blue and white short sleeve top.


Without a clever title
I finished my accreditation last night :becool:

The final session was really fun - we did a points race, a scratch race, and finished off with a go behind the derny. We only got one lap directly behind the motorcycle each, but it was enough to recognize the enormous difference it makes being in that slipstream.

My plan is to start regularly showing up to the DST endurance sessions, but if any cyclechatters want to arrange some drop-in sessions I'll be up for that as well. I live about 10 mins away from the velodrome, so can be available at short notice.


I finished my accreditation last night :becool:

The final session was really fun - we did a points race, a scratch race, and finished off with a go behind the derny. We only got one lap directly behind the motorcycle each, but it was enough to recognize the enormous difference it makes being in that slipstream.

My plan is to start regularly showing up to the DST endurance sessions, but if any cyclechatters want to arrange some drop-in sessions I'll be up for that as well. I live about 10 mins away from the velodrome, so can be available at short notice.

Well done :smile:

I've gone to a couple of the DST endurance sessions and they were good - however they were both completly different in format to one another. One was drills and races (like an accreditation 4) and one was derny paced (the riders in the string and the derny taking a single rider at a time to lap these riders). It depends what coach you get what the session will be like. Tends to be about 1 hour 30 minutes cycling time, when you take account of the breaks plus coaching advice etc, whereas a drop in you can have it all cycling time if you choose to do that although i think most people will at least need to stop for a drink at some point. A big plus of the DST is that they are run in the evenings so easier to get along too whereas there is only 1 evening drop in.


After visiting the velodrome at the weekend im looking to give it a bash, banking does look pretty scary but im sure once i get up there once i will love it, looks like good fun and no wind or rain :laugh:


Senior Member
Did the Accred 1 last night and booked in for Accred 2 on Saturday. Great fun but it did show that as yet, I am short on fitness for track cycling.


Did the Accred 1 last night and booked in for Accred 2 on Saturday. Great fun but it did show that as yet, I am short on fitness for track cycling.

The fitness will come along quite quickly. In some ways it is about getting a bit more experienced with riding on the track as much as it is about fitness, particularly if you've not riden fixed wheel before and are used to being able to freewheel to recover and be able to take a drink when you want etc.


I'm booked in for Accred 1 and 2 on the 25th may, looking forward to it :smile:

Thats good you managed to get the two booked together saves waiting weeks although I suspect you'll be quoting Jens Vogt and saying 'shut up legs' by the end of the second hour ;)


Senior Member
The fitness will come along quite quickly. In some ways it is about getting a bit more experienced with riding on the track as much as it is about fitness, particularly if you've not riden fixed wheel before and are used to being able to freewheel to recover and be able to take a drink when you want etc.

Thanks for the encouragement ziz...if I'm honest, I'm a wee bit apprehensive about the Accred 2 on Saturday.


Without a clever title
You won't be doing anything physically more challenging in accred 2 than you did in number 1.

It's the third one where it starts getting tougher...
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