"Giz a Croggy!"

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Chris Leeds

New Member
"Giz us a cog" was the term we used in south yorkshire in the 70's. we moved to sussex in '79 and it changed to a backie
Yeah we said "giz a cog" in doncaster 10 years ago. I assume kids still do. Never heard it outside of south yorkshire though.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
When I lived in Melbourne aged 11 giving someone a lift on your bike was known as a dink.


OT - just for a moment, I thought the 'dodger was back

In NZ, it was a dub - give us a dub. I guess short for double.

Deleted member 23692

Notts lad 'ere, and croggy was just give a lift to someone on your bike - didn't really matter if it was a saddle, crossbar or handlebar lift

Canyuh mekit gobackuds?
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