Looking for shorts to wear while cycling Leeds Market.
You'll cause mayham if you try to cycle round Leeds Market.
Looking for shorts to wear while cycling Leeds Market.
You'll cause mayham if you try to cycle round Leeds Market.
Has anyone pointed out to him that his psych issues may not be helped by ingesting huge clouds of home-grown super-skunk smoke?
I know people who got seriously paranoid until they gave up their weed habit!
Keeping rarely used items together is an indication of efficient organisationMe: 'Do you know where the sun cream is?'
Mrs P: 'In the cupboard next to the gin...'
Older gentleman acquaintance speaking to Mrs. P: 'I like your topless dress...'
Brief pregnant pause...
Mrs. P: 'I think you mean sleeveless...'
I often have to ring a local parts company to place orders at work, I've spoken to most of the guys there but rarely get the same person twice in a day.
I need to order a wiper blade, as I'm waiting for the phone to be answered I try to pull up the car details on my computer and realise, just as the phone is answered that I can't see them
Me -"Oh hi, well I wanted to order a wiper blade but I've just realised I don't know the reg so I'm just going to hang up and go and find it and then I'll ring back.
parts guy - ok,
me - bye then
parts guy -chuckles
Two mins later I ring back
Me -hi, it's sandra at bsm, if I give you a reg can you find me a wiper please?
same parts guy -chuckles - Go on then, I'll give it a go.
Me -registration blah blah
parts guy -you know that's a Ford?
me - oh for goodness sake, what are they even doing to me here? It needs to be a Seat
parts guy -let me try F instead of X - nope, that's a motorbike.
me - RIght, I'm going to go and find out this blooming registration and ring back, again.
parts guy - I love how you explained what you were doing, anyone else would just have hung up
me - well to be fair, I didn't expect you to pick the phone up the second time
parts guy - I'm going to wait for you to ring back too.
Five minutes later after chasing the sales exec for the right registration I ring back
Parts guy -why hello
me - First time caller ..
anyway, after all that they didn't even have the wiper blade!!
Hahaha...I work with one or two people who could do with doing that!On the train this morning, Billy Bullshoot was sat a couple of rows in front and was holding court, impressing his female travelling companion with his repartee.
Harmless enough and only mildly annoying.
Until he said, without a trace of irony or self awareness:
"Somebody needs to wake up and take a bite of the reality sandwich"