Giro d'Italia (with *SPOILERS*)

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Legendary Member
Outstanding finish very scarey stuff.

Raindog, watch again I think you will find he had some team mates there for quite a while, but surely you cannot expect them to still be with him when the sprint winds up that early.


Raindog, watch again I think you will find he had some team mates there for quite a while, but surely you cannot expect them to still be with him when the sprint winds up that early.
I know, but that's hardly a train like he had with HTC. He was on his own at the end, whereas with HTC Renshaw would deliver him up to the line. Rensh was 6th by the way.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
That was a great last 10k or so. Just caught the last 20 minutes or so, but my that was gripping.

Taylor Phinney getting the gear issues, and chasing - that was serious stuff... Then....

You could see the crash was going to happen as the first rider was skimming the barriers - bang !

Cav looked boxed out, then disappeared into the bunch then re-emerged out the other side, that was a smart move. The camera's lost him then he was back out picking the lines.

Some great shoulder shoves caught on camera though in the last 10k - don't see that on the TDF..


I agree, the contact and pushing was much more obvious today than I have seen before. I was concerned that Cav was getting boxed in - but hey presto, he popped up on the other side - how do you do that when riding at pace? It was an exciting finale, and kept me gripped to the TV.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Good to see Cav get the win an I hope he can repeat it with a few more this week. The performance of the rest of the Sky team was also impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nearly there

Cav was on his own at one point with 2k to go until Thomas went looking for him I think this team they have for the Giro suits Cav best.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I agree with Raindog. The Sky boys worked hard to keep the speed high but the train wasn't used by Cav in the final run-in. He was looking around and chose the Farnese Vini boys to follow and then just improvised, at one point soft-pedalling with a few hundred metres to go. That he could still win fairly comfortably, á la Robbie McEwen, bodes well for the TdF, when Sky will be focussing mainly on Wiggins.


Legendary Member
Whose wheel was he on until 500m it looked like GT to me and then just the sprinters.

His own words.

It was getting sketchy at the end, especially when you have fresh teams if they aren’t riding all day and then come up with a fresh sprinter it can become quite dangerous. But as long as you are well looked after it’s okay and I was looked after great by the guys and sheltered Geraint took me in perfectly and went exactly when he was supposed to. I was able to come off him and win the stage so I’m very very happy


Sky did their job brilliantly, rode as a team on the front and protected cav all the way. It got a bit chaotic near the end, but Cav picked his moment and made it look easy.
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