Giro d'italia SPOILER

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Lot going to depend on the TTT.Cant see BMC doing well,and Garmin are going to miss CVV. The Kazacs will give it everything for Vino. How much of an advantage is he going to have after 4 days? He s in good form, Its looking ominous allready!:biggrin:


Flying_Monkey said:
Millar now third on GC and not doing much wrong right now.

Yes agree - off the radar but has a chance of a decent finish.

Depends, sadly, I feel on how "super-charged" people like Basso and Vino are on the high mountains.

If everone is clean (ho ho) he could hang in there (of course I'm not suggesting Dave's mister clean himself) and hold his own in the hills and kick some ass in the TTs


New Member
I'll be glad when they get to the mountains, I don't like watching stages when so many riders crash out. Seems to me, the organisers don't really care if riders break bones. :smile:


Well-Known Member
dodgy said:
Watch near the end when the vehicle passes the team about 3:20 in.


Bloody hell !!!!!!!! Wiggo was :laugh::angry::biggrin: and rightly so


raindog said:
I don't think there's much chance of Millar staying near the front in the mountains.

Me neither. Climbing is not his strong suit... and there are hills and then there are hills... also from raindog's link
it averages 11.5 per cent for 10km

Fingers crossed for him and Garmin in the TTT though.

On which subject, what happens when a team has riders abandoned? I guess they have to ride with those they have left... but what happens if they have fewer than the 'minimum'? That is, I think the team time is given on the 5th ride over the line (or perhaps different tournament by tournament) - what if they only have 4 riders? I guess it has to be the 4th rider's time. TTT rules are complicated, I know that much!!


North Wales
yello said:
Me neither. Climbing is not his strong suit... and there are hills and then there are hills... also from raindog's link

Fingers crossed for him and Garmin in the TTT though.

On which subject, what happens when a team has riders abandoned? I guess they have to ride with those they have left... but what happens if they have fewer than the 'minimum'? That is, I think the team time is given on the 5th ride over the line (or perhaps different tournament by tournament) - what if they only have 4 riders? I guess it has to be the 4th rider's time. TTT rules are complicated, I know that much!!

If the team has less than 5 riders in the TTT, they are probably going to get hammered anyway, so I doubt they'd be penalised anymore.
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