Lots of thoughts re Porte.....
Was it ignorance or a calculated gamble? If there was no immediate Sky rider available, then go for it, cross your fingers and hope for the best? Stick out the tweets of 'sportsmanship' etc and try to sway the jury, KNOWING YOU ARE PUSHING YOUR LUCK BUT WITHOUT THE GAMBLE, GC is gone anyway?
Then, one does have to question why Porte was seemingly isolated AGAIN!?
Anybody remember when Froome was called back to stay with Brad just in case???
And although I am a big DB fan, he is now mocking the fact that it is no longer the spirit of the rules but the minutiae and pedantry within the rules that counts apparently? Does anybody remember Porte going back to the team car and illegally grabbing some gels and handing them to Froome? Was that careful and considered reworking of the rules or in the true spirit of the rules?
Sometimes I truly despair!