girl's handwriting - nature vs. nurture

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New Member
I am intrigued as to why women's handwriting is more flowery than men's, i.e:

-drawing little circles above the 'i'
-lots of exclamation marks
-doing 'a's like typewriter 'a's instead of round ones
-lot's of smiley faces

If a psychological control group of women were brought up from birth, in a shed, with no contact with the outside world, would they be so daft with handwriting as free women?

And why are the free ones so optimistic about stuff in the first place? I see very little to be happy about in life, be it man or woman.


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
Apparently I have girlie writing.

My Wife gets me to do all Christmas/Birthday cards etc. on the grounds that it would be nice if the recipient could actually read them.

Maybe I'm secretly a transvestite or underwent gender reassignment when I was young... who knows? :thumbsup:;)


Über Member
Abitrary said:
I am intrigued as to why women's handwriting is more flowery than men's, i.e:

-drawing little circles above the 'i'
-lots of exclamation marks
-doing 'a's like typewriter 'a's instead of round ones
-lot's of smiley faces

If a psychological control group of women were brought up from birth, in a shed, with no contact with the outside world, would they be so daft with handwriting as free women?

And why are the free ones so optimistic about stuff in the first place? I see very little to be happy about in life, be it man or woman.

I don't do any of those things. But then again my writing looks like a Doctors apparently.


There's a boy on this forum who uses plenty of exclamation marks!

Other giveaways:
a heart shape instead of the dot on an 'i'
purple sparkly ink
S.W.A.L.K. written over the back of an envelope


New Member
Sittingduck said:
I do ;)
Doesn't make me a bad person though :biggrin:

How did you start doing typewriter 'a's? I went to school with girls, and I came out doing rounded 'a's, where's as I'll bet you that every single girl is these days doing typewriter 'a's. And little circles above the 'i's.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
my better half (who is left handed) her writing looks like a spider has been dipped in ink and is running all over the page. Terrible handwriting... she should have been a doctor.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Abitrary said:
How did you start doing typewriter 'a's? I went to school with girls, and I came out doing rounded 'a's, where's as I'll bet you that every single girl is these days doing typewriter 'a's. And little circles above the 'i's.

Just saw somebody doing them one day and thought it looked cool - so I started drawing em that way and it just stuck.


It is largely cultural / nurture. My wife was brought up in an entirely different country with a different language. Her English writing is very precise, very architectural, and not remotely flowery.


New Member
Flying_Monkey said:
It is largely cultural / nurture. My wife was brought up in an entirely different country with a different language. Her English writing is very precise, very architectural, and not remotely flowery.

So you mean largely both.


New Member
Sittingduck said:
Just saw somebody doing them one day and thought it looked cool - so I started drawing em that way and it just stuck.

I tried doing 'a's like that once, but I couldn't. It felt wrong.

Are you saying you're a man who finds it easy to draw 'a's like a girl?
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