Intrigued, we need to know more.
Not very interesting, I'm afraid:
He was (sadly) our MP for a short while. He turned up by our house one day and started telling a massed crowd how great he was, how he was helping the local area, how fantastic his party was, you get the idea. He was playing to a captive audience really, and milking the praise from his little entourage.
All was going well for him until I decided to challenge some of the rubbish he'd spouted. We had a 'slight' difference of opinion, he tried belittling me, I repeatedly asked him questions he wouldn't answer, that sort of thing. Anyhow, he was banging on about getting re-elected and I bet him £100 that it wasn't going to happen and that when he was booted out, that he'd disappear back down south pronto, a bet he accepted. This didn't go down very well with Mr Biscuit Bottom and I suggested he shouldn't knock on my door canvassing, to which he replied he'd do what he like. At this point I didn't cover myself in glory by swearing at him, calling him names (you've always lost an argument when you do that) and suggesting if he called to my house(and pointed where it was) I would personally punch him straight back onto the street. Stupid, pointless and a bit pathetic, but I was younger then.
About 15 minutes after it'd all died down, I went home, took my young son in his buggy and went for a walk. 1/4 mile down the road, there's a car horn going non-stop and as I turned to see who it was old Mr Pompous was leaning out of the back window screaming all kinds of abuse at me, including some quite choice language. It was (apart from my young son being present) hysterically funny, I wish I had a camera phone at the time and recorded it. He'd absolutely totally lost it and was gesticulating wildly to match the swear words. Not long after that he was booted out as our MP and slunk back down south. A few Twitter messages and posts sent, he's just ignoring me.