The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
- I looked at the terms and conditions:Are you sure? After all it is classed as bicycle there is no separate class for ebike. Sometimes when dealing with insurance reps you need ask them to go further up the line of command. Or even ring more than once to speak with different advisers. Just thought see what there terms and conditions say. The latter might be best bet.
"We will not cover • the excess(es) shown on your schedule; • loss or damage to tyres or accessories unless the pedal cycle is stolen or damaged at the same time; • theft unless the cycle is: a. in your immediate custody and control; b. securely locked to an object that cannot be moved; or c. in a locked building • any pedal cycle with a motor; • loss or damage caused by wear and tear, light, weather conditions, damp, rust, wet rot or dry rot or anything that happens gradually; • loss or damage caused by the process of cleaning, washing, repairing or restoring"
- that's why I asked