I agree with
... but not
If I were faced with unlimited availability of pizza, my favourite veggie curries, cake, cheese and biscuits, bowls of ice cream, bars of chocolate etc. then I would pig out and pile weight on.
So, I generally avoid putting myself in that situation. Instead, I allow myself unlimited portions of healthy non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, cabbage etc.) or salads. I would happily eat 5+ times what are normally called 'portions' of them. For example, this was my tuna salad one evening... packed with goodness, but hardly any calories in the salad. Eating that doesn't leave much room for the tempting, fattening, unhealthy stuff!
View attachment 546527
I'd have 2 or 3 pitta breads with that (no butter).
As for
@VAB_Ride's fatigue... A very fit friend of mine used to do a 34 mile round trip commute but gave up trying to do it 5 days a week because it left him feeling too tired to cycle at the weekend, which is when he liked to do a 50-100 mile ride. He compromised and did cycle commutes Mon, Wed and Fri, driving in on Tue and Thu.
Trying to do (say) 80-100 miles during the week and 50-60 miles at the weekend, without days off, and on a restricted diet is asking for trouble! I would ride just one day at the weekend, take one or two days off during the week, and start to eat more. Aim to cut the rate of weight loss to something easier, say 0.5-1.0 lb/week.