Getting rid of the last bit of belly

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Mr Haematocrit

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Has anyone else found themselves in this situation in their late thirties and beaten it?

Yes high protein, low fat diet with a calorie deficit.

Damaged Hero

A couple of good Core workouts might tighten the area up a little,and don't take much time to do.Exercises for the stomach area have come a long way since the sit-up,a quick search on You Tube will give you plenty of ideas.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
If it isn't going from eating right and cardio workouts what's the harm in trying them? They will tighten up the core. Will it give you a flat stomach on its own? No.
Then there is something wrong with the food bit eh?

Everyone has abs - they just don't show until bf% is low enough, that part is done in the kitchen.


Sunny Suffolk
Don't worry Andrew, I will soon get those extra kilos shifted for you. The training I am going to put you through for our fast hundred will leave you a shivering wreck of a broken man. That will surely help to shift the belly.

We'll get you down to a svelt 12 stone before you know it.

I do think that the type of riding you do won't help with your aim of shifting points. You might benefit from adding more longer rides to the routine, rather than the shorter blasts.

As soon as the daylight is with us we can start to aim for a long ride each Sunday morning before the world has awoken. Hopefully without iced up crotches.


Internet Marketing bod
Don't worry Andrew, I will soon get those extra kilos shifted for you. The training I am going to put you through for our fast hundred will leave you a shivering wreck of a broken man. That will surely help to shift the belly.

We'll get you down to a svelt 12 stone before you know it.

I do think that the type of riding you do won't help with your aim of shifting points. You might benefit from adding more longer rides to the routine, rather than the shorter blasts.

As soon as the daylight is with us we can start to aim for a long ride each Sunday morning before the world has awoken. Hopefully without iced up crotches.

The commuting miles certainly need stretching out and I need to get back into the habit of using the thirty minutes I get for lunch for cycling.

It looks like I might be about to get one Saturday a month to myself so longer rides are definitely becoming a realistic possibility.

Every other Sunday is looking good. One for Suffok Sunday club and one for a three hour blast.

Bye bye belly!


Internet Marketing bod
This is the answer. You could do as many sit ups as you like but unless you reduce the actual body fat level then you will never see your six pack.

Yup, I need another week or so on spark people to look closely at my intake.

My evening meals are decent so I need a lower fat breakfast than the breakfast flapjacks :smile:

I'm trying to think of a lower fat lunch than rice cakes with a smearing of laughing cow. I can't eat just the rice cake, my mastication needs at least some lubrication :smile:
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