Fairy nuff!
Going back to your original post,
You say your BMR is 1900 calories, that seems very high if you are 75 kg. I'm 95kg, 6ft 2in and my MBR is around 1900Calories
I used:
other calculators give the same sort of result.
Similarly how are you calculating your exercise calories? Most calculators I've seen for that are rudimentary.
The Harris-benedict formula seems reasonable
for me 1900*1.55 = 2945.Calories per day
If you are setting a calorie deficit at a certain weight and it works to get you to a new weight, then weight stops reducing, that implies (Ockham' Razor) that your calorie intake is correct for your new weight.
The 5:2 pattern gives me a deficit of 2*(2900-600) = 4600 Calories per week which roughly tallies with the weight loss when I manage 2 diet days a week with no excessive intake days like a night out on the beer or dinner party.
When I have tried patterns of food restrictions every day, it has not worked for long or in the longer term, I suspect because errors in approximating intake are close to the daily deficit number.
Reference back to what works for me, even if i cheat on a diet day and have a mars bar, my calorie deficit is still 2000 instead of 2300. On a 500 calorie a day restriction a few errors and a little cheating wipes out the whole deficit.
You muse about dropping meat consumption and upping fruit and veg - that is a bit like the curates egg.
Our diet has changed over this year:
More protein esp at breakfast, it leaves us feeling fuller for longer with no need of any mid morning boost.
Less carbohydrate: less frequent toast or cereal at breakfast time, protein and salad for lunch, fewer sandwiches, almost unlimited quantities of veg at meal times with modest quantities of starchy carbs.