Tin Pot
I don`t want to hijack this thread, but I eat less eat better exercise more to the point of starving and exhaustion - it gets me nowhere!!!
No, no you don't. And I don't know anything about you.
I don`t want to hijack this thread, but I eat less eat better exercise more to the point of starving and exhaustion - it gets me nowhere!!!
You could call it a variant of a gene rather than a fault. In times of famine they would be the ones with the genetic advantage.I'm skinny & always have been - others in the family are similar. I've recently given my DNA for a study into "thin-ness". The preliminary study seems to show that people with a tendancy to obesity have a fault on a certain part of a certain gene. The researchers are now working on a more detailled study.
Hi all
Looking on some advice on best way of reducing my belly.
On the whole people would think I’m very slim BUT I know I have a bit of a belly.
Know I’m not alone as a middle aged man (45) but find it really annoying that no matter what i do I can’t shift it from there.
I’m pretty fit and run , play football as well as cycle.
Diet is ok, don’t eat much fruit and vegetables but on other hand don’t have a lot of bad/junk food.
I know alcohol can be a big issue but only drink at weekends - bottle wine or few beers.
Anyone have any tips and advice? Or do I just accept that’s what happens with age as I still want to enjoy life and not give up all nice food and drink!
Current thinking is that it's much more complicated than we would like it to be, fuel in, power out, calories in, calories out - but we are not combustion engines.
Of the food we consume we do different things with it, depending on our lifestyle and genetics. The same with our output, our bodies release energy as it wants to, not necessarily as we need it to. It will regulate our output as it sees fit. If you've been starving yourself, the body will stop you from overexherting yourself to conserve energy stores.
Weird training regimes try to trick the body into doing more than it wants to, sometimes this works other times it causes damage.
All in all, if you're looking to be fitter, or rather look slimmer, a lower body fat percentage is the best way forward.
Sudden changes the body will rail against, gradual change over years will have longer lasting effects.
Booo no magic answers! Not sure I can face a life without any alcohol
More details on what I currently do
Food wise, I tend to have porridge for breakfast, then meal deal lunch ie sandwich, snack and lunch, dinner is normally some sort of homemade curry, bolognaise, chilli etc with rice or pasta and then maybe some kind of snack eg couple biscuits.
At weekends me and wife will share bottle wine on a Friday and Saturday or few beers or gin and tonics
Exercise wise I am currently playing 5 aside and running 5k twice a week.
So damn frustrating as it’s litera only my belly and most people would probably say I could do with putting weight on!!
...... then meal deal lunch ie sandwich, snack and lunch........
Meal deal lunch is a very high calorie lunch, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/201...et-lunchtime-meal-deals-contain-30-teaspoons/
One of my children aged 5 suffered serious health issues including a spell on life support. Once out of the woods, Magnums were encouraged as high calorie sustenance. A full recovery followed - praise Walls.I'm obviously running low on the vital micronutrients that are only available in coconut Magnums. I must be, my body keeps telling me so.