Nice work on the distance. That's a longer ride than I've done this year and I've been riding about 40 years !
As you've discovered back packs are a no no.
Look at what other cyclists do.
You can pick up bar bags and top tube bags for not much money at all.
You'll pare down the stuff you need as you learn more.
Joining a club or getting your mates into cycling would help you as well.
I did a 100 miler the other week with two cake stops (there is vegan cake) and an energy bar. It's all about the cake.
Keep up the good work. I'd never have attempted that distance after such a short time so you're doing well.
What's your longest ever distance in a day?
I don't know because I was late about 40 minutes to the event

so didn't see them...
I can't fit anything else on my handle bars anymore- I have lights,bell,quadlock and bike computer... Top tube bikes-I'll look into that, thank you
My sister is a road bike cyclist- but she's in a different city than me for uni

We cycled together during the summer though when we were both at home, a highly recommended way to get away from your parents.. I'm meant to join the uni cycling club but not sure how things will work with covid. Wanted to join OVB (cycling club in Notts) but wouldn't make the cut, Im too new for them most likely.
I love cake. But a bit put off sweets after yesterday, felt like my teeth were erroding by the end, with energy gels, gummies, citrus flavoured sports mix dissolved in my water, oreos, flapjack, pbj sandwich... I don't know how you did it on so little food!!!!!
What should I do next, since Im not doing another audax anytime soon? How do I progress from here? What goals should I set myself?