Disgruntled Goat said:These 'wheel' things. What are they all about then? Made of rubber I hazard, go round and round. Go flat occasionally.
Theres metal in there too - your head.
Disgruntled Goat said:These 'wheel' things. What are they all about then? Made of rubber I hazard, go round and round. Go flat occasionally.
John the Monkey said:They're like a posh version of Girls, innit.
domtyler said:. . . and are very quick and easy to consume while riding and more importantly they are easy on the stomach unlike solid food.
Monkey Boy said:If you talk to Cathryn....they have the consistency of lumpy sp*nk!! Still find it hard to swallow those things since she mentioned it
domtyler said:Sickening!![]()
yenrod said:Theres metal in there too - your head.
Monkey Boy said:.....come to think of it....could have been Kirsty and not Cathryn; in which case a billion apo-logies to Cathryn!!! Did not mean to tarnish your fine character (much)
Kirstie said:I semi agree with you about the torq gels. Half the pleasure of eating them is the fact that they taste nice and have an OK consistency. I do seem to be able to continue after having one but not with the added oomph you get from a Smart 1. I agree that the powerbar PVA-glue-with-caffeine ones also give a really good kick. I tried one on my recent tour and the world seemed sharper and brighter instantly. It was quite noticeable.
gavintc said:Of all the gels I have used, I prefer the powerbar with caffeine ones. They are a bit sticky and if you are not careful you can end up with sticky fingers, STIs, bars etc. But, I can certainly feel that boost shortly after taking one. I usually carry a couple on a sportive to be taken when I am really hurting and the hill seem endless.