Gear Change

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Spectral Cyclist
Out the back
It shouldn't be difficult - but it is, front derailleur change Small --> Large

Kit: 10 speed Campag Xenon

Depite being recently adjusted at its the first service - the front derailleur change is not as smooth as i had hoped - sometimes is just wont change at all.

I have experimented with being in different gears when attempting to change up but with no real conclusions

I am toying with idea of getting in back in to the (a different) workshop for another adjustment - but it should already be adjusted properly! :tired:

Can anyone help please...?

on the road

Über Member
There should be an adjusting knob on the left side of the down tube, or maybe the H screw needs adjusting.


Spectral Cyclist
Out the back
on the road said:
There should be an adjusting knob on the left side of the down tube, or maybe the H screw needs adjusting.

It seems like the d/r isn't moving far enough over - but occasionally it will work thats the frustrating thing!

When it when in for its service - i specifically mentioned the gear change problem and they must have done something because their is more gear cable showing.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Might need the cable tightening more than the adjuster can take care of.
May need to undo the fixing holding the cable and pull a bit more through - new cable can stretch.
Worth checking the mech is moving ok too and it's not stuck.
The springs on Campag front d/r's are really strong - so the reluctant shifting is probably down to either the shifter or cabling. I'd start with the latter and

1.Make sure it is cut off nice and clean and straight.

2. Check that the cabling has a smooth flow and is correctly seated where it connects to the shifter.

3.The Campag cabling is lubricated at one end (which should be the end nearest the shifter).


Spectral Cyclist
Out the back
threebikesmcginty said:
Might need the cable tightening more than the adjuster can take care of.
May need to undo the fixing holding the cable and pull a bit more through - new cable can stretch.
Worth checking the mech is moving ok too and it's not stuck.

It certainly moves R to L ok and large to small ring changes are lightning fast - shame its not the other way around - but i will have a proper look at the "action" in the other direction - thanks! :tired:


Spectral Cyclist
Out the back
accountantpete said:
The springs on Campag front d/r's are really strong - so the reluctant shifting is probably down to either the shifter or cabling. I'd start with the latter and

1.Make sure it is cut off nice and clean and straight.

2. Check that the cabling has a smooth flow and is correctly seated where it connects to the shifter.

3.The Campag cabling is lubricated at one end (which should be the end nearest the shifter).

I have to confess to fiddling around with the adjusting screws (pre service) and got the d/r to shift up - but then it wouldn't shift back easily + the screws are made of cheese :tired: which made me reluctant to fiddle any more.

I could actually do with a workshop stand now, where will it end....

Thanks for the advice


If it's shifting properly one way, then it's probably not a problem with the cabling. As on the road says above, you should have wee screws like these:


Try unscrewing the H one half a turn or so, see if that helps. (If you unscrew it too far, the cage will go too far and throw the chain right over the big cog...then it's a question of screwing it back in a bit till it's Mummy Bear - 'just right'.)


Spectral Cyclist
Out the back
Is the bottom screw always the H screw - I dont recall any markings on the mechanism?
philipbh said:
Is the bottom screw always the H screw - I dont recall any markings on the mechanism?

I think Swee'pea's d/r dates back to the neolithic period;)

If you look at the d/r from behind you will see A and 2 marked next to the screws- the A screw dictates how far in the mech goes etc.


Started young, and still going.
philipbh said:
Is the bottom screw always the H screw - I dont recall any markings on the mechanism?

It normally is. As you adjust the screw, look at the mech and you will see it move ever so slightly.


Spectral Cyclist
Out the back
threebikesmcginty said:
Hang on, we haven't started fighting yet about who's advice was crap... ;)

All sound - now the tricky bit, amateur with a multi tool

TBO - I'm a bit miffed that it wasn't working perfectly straight out of the workshop service bay and a bit frustrated because my old 10 speed racer (with the levers on the downtube) "just worked" (that was 20 25 years ago mind)


accountantpete said:
I think Swee'pea's d/r dates back to the neolithic period;)

If you look at the d/r from behind you will see A and 2 marked next to the screws- the A screw dictates how far in the mech goes etc.

It's not mine...I just got a picci offa the internet and that was it. I ride a fixie as any fule no.
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