As per title. Has anyone managed to mount a Garmin Varia to a seat stay?
Please don’t bother mentioning saddle or seat post mounting options as the large Apidura saddle pack I carry negates these.
Here are my efforts for a seat stay mount.
Background. Mainly ride are horizontal TT steel bikes with saddle rack packs or carradice, with no rack. As such the only place the smaller radar-only varia unit will go is attached to the seat stay. Longer RTL515 too tight a fit.
For the last five months I've been using:
Varia narrow wedge (seatpost) adaptor with rolled plastic insert (found in spares box) to maintain angle. Works very well. Uses smaller varia attachment band.
This mount may not hold the larger/longer RTL515 varia light unit far enough away from the seat stay, as it's less compact than radar only unit.
The other mount I made (not used much yet) was with the back casing of an old PlanetX Phaart light (I bought about x4 when they were once ~£3 ea). The insert is a half section of wooden handle (could use anything rounded) with tape over. The band used is the large one. Note. the Phaart lights also fit the Smart mounts - with a 'click in place' needed.
On my bike the varia RTL515 would mostly be too long, to fit on the seat stay (above tyre level & brakes, & below the pack) as it longer than my radar only RVR315.
I generally use 1W Smart Lunar lights. I find the radar function very useful. No doubt the varia modulating light is pretty good, though I guess the drivers that ignore my rather intense SMART rear lights are likely to ignore any light. YMMV.
Note: I have also tried the quarter turn mount supplied with the Garmin Edges, instead of the Varia supplied 'seatpost' wedge - which gives a less elongated, slightly tighter attachement. Long bands used here.