I have always imagined that the speed displayed on your screen when riding is the Garmin's best attempt to determine your current speed whilst in the process of gathering your ride data. I don't think this speed is captured anywhere, the speed displayed when you've uploaded your track being determined from the location and time data in the track. If so, it doesn't matter whether the speed you see when riding is accurate or not.
A more extreme form of signal loss occurred sometime last year when I passed through the Staple Hill Tunnel on the Bristol to Bath path while running 2 Garmins - a 200 and a 520. Both completely lost all signal in the tunnel of course. If I remember correctly, they "repaired" the loss differently. One replaced the missing section (a straight line would be a very good guess in the circumstances) but the other did not, slightly shortening the ride. At least I think that's what happened, and I can't remember which was which.
I will still have both .fit files squirrelled away...