Sittingduck said:
Got mine configured and went for a little 4 mile spin. Just sorted out Garmin Connect and have uploaded my first ride

It's so cool
Now change the .tcx extension to .xml
Accept the warning.
On a MS Excell spreadsheet, import the .xml file.
Now you can play with it till dawn.
You will have to delete all columns of junk up to AltitudeMeters.
Insert a column after DistanceMeters and do a little subtraction to get the Delta Distances.
Insert a column after Time and do the same subtraction to get Delta Time.
Then in a free column, write a little equation to calculate Velocity m/s.
Do the translation into kmh or mph.
Insert another column for Delta ElevationMeters.
Using Delta DistanceMeters, calculate the gradient.
Now you can plot a chart of speed vs gradient
There are other routines you can do to analyse your performance that Garmin Training Center sadly lacks.
Set your alarm for midnight and get some rest for tomorrow