Joe24 said:
Ahhh right, cheers Bonj

The 205 might be what i go for, im sort of after it more for training with slight navigation, but with limited funds its not so easy.
I would like a HCX with the city navigator in it though, but think that will be too expensive.
(birthday preasent to myself as my mum wont get me anything for my bike, she instead wants to get me a camera, which i wont use

The city navigator you can get extra at a later date. It's a separate add-on and can be used with eithe rthe etrex vista OR the 205 - BUT if you get it on DVD and 'unlock' it to one unit, that copy of city navigator can't then transfer maps to any other unit!
If you use it without city navigator, then you will still be able to see roads when creating routes 'cos you can use bikehike. And the screen at any point will display the part of the line you created that you're currently on, it just won't show the roads as well. For isntance if your route went left at a cross roads, when you get to it you won't know whether it's left at a cross roads, left at a T junction, or just left off the main road, but you'll know it's left.
It will show major roads, but only really major roads - and don't EVER use follow roads mode on the unit without the full maps loaded onto the unit! I experienced this when on an audax and i had forgot to transfer the south wales bit of the maps, so south of abergavenny i had no roads and since i'd drawn a route that wasn't particularly conducive to using off roads mode on the unit, i couldn't see the line. so i told it to direct me to 'anywhere in chepstow', where next control was, which i knew was about 20 miles away, and it tried to take me about 100 miles west and then back east down the M4!
The 205 i think will fill my needs though, the other thing i was to be able to do on it is to save a route that i do, like when i go into Derbyshire on a ride, so i can store it and do it another time.
Im guessing the 205 can do this, or would it be better for me to add the route in manualy?
It can do that.
if you like the 205 go for that, it's ok - it's slimmer than the etrex and is quite a nice unit. But i didn't think it was any cheaper?
If you get problems with it corrupting the recordings or turning itself off i'm sure you could raise a support call with garmin and they'll probably sort it. In hindsight that's possibly what i should have done but i did want the replaceable batteries as well and had someone willing to buy it.