Gardening/Allotmenting 2024

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Vice Admiral
Am I right in thinking that the chances of catching TB from Brock would be slim to non-existent?

When I saw him in the bin, I stepped backwards several feet. The air he had been breathing out would have dissipated, in the minute (approximately) that I considered what to do. I think I was at greater risk from his claws and teeth. I also assume not many people end up about two feet away from a Badger, in daylight.


Just got back from a week's holiday. As I was expecting my measly tomato plants to perish while we were away, I picked all the largish, but green tomatoes off the plants.

Following a Google tip, I put the green tomatoes in a covered box, with two bananas....


On my return from holiday, I was pleased to see that many of them had ripened! .....


And the remaining green ones are continuing to ripen.
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