How tall a plant would you like?
it's a garden wall about 6' high, not a house wall.You need to make sure that anything that reaches the eaves is kept under control to prevent damage to guttering and the roof.
One that reaches the top of the wall would be nice, and crawls along it too. I like Clematis but don't think it's suited to such a shady, north facing position.
Garry's elliptica looks interesting.
View attachment 471485
...but also looks like it might take many years to get to something like this.
Since I rent I might not be here in five or ten years time, I'd like something that'll grow relatively quickly.
Just be aware with the exception of the rose mentioned above....
I would be careful about planting bamboo as suggested above. The majority of bamboos are invasive and capable of undermining walls.
I would be careful about planting bamboo as suggested above. The majority of bamboos are invasive and capable of undermining walls.
definitely not going down the bamboo route.I would be careful about planting bamboo as suggested above. The majority of bamboos are invasive and capable of undermining walls.