I did wonder if posting one just around the corner from yours was wise
Got it at the first StreetView click - it is the cheats way to Edgehill, avoiding the long drag into the wind from KinetonPriors Marston was not too far away, just the wrong side of the M40, I will often combine Priors Marston with this road on the same ride, plus cheeky detour up Burton Dassett.
You are looking for the village of Arlescote - https://www.google.com/maps/@52.135...4!1s2Pv5J3d56-k-tBY2fwUmDg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
it's frustrating, but on the upside you don't have post a road and subsequently spend the next few minutes/hours/days checking if anyone's found it yet. Every cloud and all thatI looked around the Castle at Edgehill, last night, can’t believe how close I came.
And the photo was taken probably 100ft above sea level so the road down is quite steep. There isn't much shadow to work with but, making the rash assumption that that photo was taken around noon (the light is quite bright) then we are looking E or NE. North Cornwall or N Devon would fitIf you look to the right, it looks like sand. Possibly a power station or wind turbines in the distance but at limits of resolution of photo.