Game: Name that road!

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Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
(I decided to leave the shopping for a while so as to avoid the crowds of evening shoppers!)
So much for Fryups! :laugh:


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Okay, I don't have a head for clever clues, but a quick recap is in order.

This is a National Park. Closer to Wales that the NY Moors, so that narrows down the search within England.

An anagram will locate a quaint village where many people stop.
"Over there" means the village is not the location we're looking for but it does identify the area to search.
The place we want is actually about 15 miles away; the photo is looking roughly towards the village.

Two more clues on standby.


Putrid Donut
Here it is! Hill Road west of Minehead. I couldn't possibly have found it without the anagram:!1sebFxM51wMOwldexMBiaApw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656



Puzzle game procrastinator!
What was the anagram?

I thought it might be an anagram of 'gourmets'. I was looking at Exmoor, so imagine my initial excitement when I discovered the village of Stogumber, east of Minehead! And my growing sense of disappointment when I noticed that an unwanted 'b' had somehow crept in... :whistle:


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Good work @Aravis , over to you.

What was the anagram?

I thought it might be an anagram of 'gourmets'. I was looking at Exmoor, so imagine my initial excitement when I discovered the village of Stogumber, east of Minehead! And my growing sense of disappointment when I noticed that an unwanted 'b' had somehow crept in... :whistle:
I initially thought the view would be sufficient to find the place.
I'd travelled from nearby Stogumber so I wrote about "b) Gourmets" - you got most of the anagram.

"Many people stop there" - Stogumber is on a heritage railway.
There was also a vague play on words about not having a head for clues. Who's head? My head (minehead).

I was close to dumping a load of clues, eg:
Something big and wet to the left!
The anagram has 9 letters!
There are cattle grids, but not for cattle.


Putrid Donut
For a long time I thought that "This is not a clue" might be a take on Ceci n'est pas une pipe. Eventually I figured that the "b" must be included in the anagram having searched place names throughout every possible county, and finally the non-clue made sense.

I've had this one ready for a while. There's plenty to help in the image, so no clues yet:


Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
What was the anagram?

I thought it might be an anagram of 'gourmets'. I was looking at Exmoor, so imagine my initial excitement when I discovered the village of Stogumber, east of Minehead! And my growing sense of disappointment when I noticed that an unwanted 'b' had somehow crept in... :whistle:

Yeah I was looking round Exmoor, I flunked out on the anagram


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
For a long time I thought that "This is not a clue" might be a take on Ceci n'est pas une pipe. Eventually I figured that the "b" must be included in the anagram having searched place names throughout every possible county, and finally the non-clue made sense.

I've had this one ready for a while. There's plenty to help in the image, so no clues yet:

View attachment 623392
Lovely pic.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
That anagram... D'oh - of course!

Well, I got to spend some time Street-viewing the NY Moors again, and then adjourning to Exmoor, which is a nice way to look for future cycle routes.

The new picture is great but my phone is too small and my eyesight too poor to see it properly. I will take another look when I am using my laptop.
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