Pardon my language, but... OFFS!!!Rawcliffe Road and the river Wyre, Ratten Row.
Quite easy to find using Ordnance Survey 1:50,000.
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As thread founder, would you like me to post the next one now or wait for @MontyVeda?Pardon my language, but... OFFS!!!
I suspected the Wyre and actually used my 1:50,000 OS map to check, but I was looking at the toll bridge just to the west. I have always gone north from the toll bridge, never east to Monty's footbridge, so I didn't know it was there, and I didn't spot it on the 1:50,000 map. It is a bit more obvious on the 1:25,000 map.
Well done, anyway!
As thread founder, would you like me to post the next one now or wait for @MontyVeda?
Ah, I think I understand your message. I do have one ready to post but it looks as though I grabbed it from Google two years ago so it can wait a little longer.I don't mind if you do, and I suspect that Monty wouldn't either. It would probably mean him eventually commenting on your identification of his road after we start searching for yours but we often end up with interleaved discussions and there doesn't seem to be a problem with that.
Obviously, if we allowed randomly posted roads such as this offering by @dan_bo, things would rapidly get VERY confusing...
Ah, I think I understand your message. I do have one ready to post but it looks as though I grabbed it from Google two years ago so it can wait a little longer.
So is @dan_bo's now active?