I fear I have to withdraw this one. It should be Glen Coe in July/August 1965, but whereas yesterday I felt certain I had a convincing match, today I'm not so sure. This satellite image shows the track of the old road in relation to the current A82 and the river towards the top of the glen:
There's a point just to the left of centre where things seem to be aligned about right, which would mean the A82 now blasts its way through the middle of my picture. But it looks as though the river ought to be more gorgy at that point, and my picture doesn't look as though it could have been taken much further down.
The holiday was for my parents a reprise of a trip they did 10 years earlier on their motorbike and sidecar. This was before they were married (separate rooms of course) and somewhere I have an album with their black and white snaps. They will have captions so there's a chance I may be able find some conclusive evidence.
From the same 1965 holiday, this should be a much fairer test. Details have changed but there's no problem getting a 100% match this time: